- T. Wajima: Synthesis of hydrogarnet from blast furnace slag using alkali
fusion for HCl gas removal, International Journal of the Society of Material
Engineering for Resources, Accepted,
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of zeolitic materials with high cation exchange capacity
from paper sludge ash using EDTA, Applied Sciences, 11, 11231 (2021)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of Hydrocalumite-like Compound from Blast Furnace Slag by Alkali Fusion using Waste Molten-Slag Heat, and its Anion Removal Ability, Resource Processing, 67(2), 86-93 (2021)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of HCl Gas Scavenger from Blast Furnace Slag through
Alkali Fusion, ISIJ International, 61, 33-41 (2021)
- T. Wajima, S. Buntan: Conversion of waste stone-fine slurry into geopolymer
cement with addition of coal fly ash, International Journal of GEOMATE,
20(78), 44-49 (2021)
- F. Sekihata, T. Wajima: Desalination behavior of natural zeolite in seawater,
International Journal of GEOMATE, 20(79), 82-88 (2021)
- N. Minami, T. Wajima: Preparation of fluoride adsorbent from zircon sand
using mechanochemical treatment, and its application for fluoride removal,
International Journal of GEOMATE, 20(81), 118-124 (2021)
- M. Miyazawa, T. Wajima: Recycling Technology for Waste Glass Fiber Reinforced
Plastics(GFRP) Using Pyrolysis with NaOH, Resource Processing, 68, 1-6
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of Fe-layered double hydroxide from bittern and its nitrate ion removal ability, Clay Minerals, 56(1), 65-74 (2021)
- T. Wajima: Conversion of steel converter slag into HCl gas scavenger using
alkali fusion, Resource Processing, 68, 64-69 (2021)
- T. Wajima, A. Suhara: Synthesis of layered double hydroxide from biomass combustion ash and coal fly ash for phosphate removal, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 626, 012018 (2021)
- M. Miyazawa, T. Wajima: Recycling technology for waste glass fiber reinforced
plastics (GFRP) using pyrolysis with NaOH, Materials Science Forum, 1023,
p. 91-96 (2021)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of X- and A-type zeolites from waste stone powder
and aluminium dross using alkali fusion, Materials Science Forum, 1023,
p. 97-102 (2021)
- T. Wajima, T. Takahashi: Synthesis of hydrogrossular and hydroxysodalite from blast furnace slag using alkali fusion for fixation of HCl gas, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1777, 012017 (2021)
- M. Miyazawa, T. Wajima: Recycling of waste glass fiber-reinforced plastics
using pyrolysis with KOH, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1777,
012018 (2021)
- T. Wajima: Pyrolysis behavior of polyvinyl chloride with sodium hydroxide and application to copper recovery from multiwire tinned copper cables, The ninth International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources (ICMR2021) (2021)
- J. Takaashi, T. Wajima: Recovery of carbon fiber from waste carbon fiber
reinforced plastics using sodium hydroxide, The ninth International Conference
on Materials Engineering for Resources (ICMR2021) (2021)
- S. Dei, T. Wajima: Preparation of a Highly selective fluorine adsorbent
by mechanochemical treatment, The ninth International Conference on Materials
Engineering for Resources (ICMR2021) (2021)
- R. Hashikawa, T. Wajima: Recovery of gold from strong acidic solution using sulfur-impregnated carbonaceous bamboo, The ninth International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources (ICMR2021) (2021)
- 出井俊佑、和嶋隆昌:チタン鉱物からの高選択性フッ素吸着材の開発、日本海水学会若手会第12回学生研究発表会(2021)
- 南奈伎沙、和嶋隆昌:メカノケミカル処理したジルコンサンドにおけるフッ素の吸脱着能の評価、日本海水学会若手会第12回学生研究発表会 (2021)
- 高橋穣太郎、和嶋隆昌:水酸化アルカリを用いた廃炭素繊維強化プラスチックからの炭素繊維の回収と再資源化技術の開発、MMIJ2021年春季大会 (2021)
- 橋川遼人、和嶋隆昌:竹の炭化物による貴金属回収挙動、MMIJ2021年春季大会 (2021)
- 酒井祐希、和嶋隆昌:リン除去のための廃タイヤ燃焼灰からの層状複水酸化物の創製、日本素材物性学会令和3年度研究発表会(2021)
- 出井俊佑、和嶋隆昌:メカノケミカル処理による酸化チタンからの高選択性フッ素吸着材の開発、化学工学会秋田大会(2021)
- 橋川遼人、和嶋隆昌:竹から調製した硫黄担持炭による強酸性溶液からの金回収、化学工学会秋田大会(2021)
- 和嶋隆昌:ホウ素の活用を指向したにがりを用いたホウ素含有難燃性粉体の創製、第33回ソルトサイエンス財団助成研究発表会(2021)
- 和嶋隆昌:海水からの農業用水製造を目的とした簡易脱塩材の創製、令和3年度佐賀大学海洋エネルギー研究センター全国共同利用・共同研究成果発表会(2021)
- 和嶋隆昌:アルカリ水酸化物を用いた塩ビ被覆ワイヤーハーネス細線からの銅回収プロセス、資源・素材学会2021秋季大会(2021)
- 和嶋隆昌:月面における建設用原材料の開発、資源・素材学会2021秋季大会、(2021)
- 和嶋隆昌:海水から生まれる資源ー新たな海水利用を目指してー、ソルト・サイエンス・シンポジウム(2021)
- 和嶋隆昌:鉄鋼スラグからの機能性材料の創製、環境資源工学会シンポジウム「リサイクル設計と分離精製技術」:スラグの有効利用(2021)
- 和嶋隆昌:廃グラスウール断熱材の再資源化処理技術、コンバーテック、5、p. 73-76 (2021)
- 和嶋隆昌:炭素繊維強化樹脂(CFRP)の再資源化技術、プラスチックス、7、p. 6-11 (2021)
- 和嶋隆昌:廃ガラス繊維強化樹脂(GFRP)の再資源化処理技術、化学装置、5、p. 41-46 (2021)
- 和嶋隆昌:廃ガラス繊維強化樹脂(GFRP)の再資源化技術の開発、マテリアルステージ、21(6)、p. (2021)
- T.Wajima: Lead Immobilization in Artificial Contaminated Soil Using Sulfur-Impregnated
Carbonaceous Bamboo, International Journal of Geomate, 19(76), 69-75 (2020)
- T.Wajima: A Novel Process for Recycling of Aluminium Dross using Alkali
Fusion, Maerials Transactions, 61(11), 2208-2215 (2020)
- T.Wajima: Carbonaceous Adsorbent Derived from Sulfur-Impregnated Heavy
Oil Ash and its Lead Removal Ability from Aqueous Solution, Processes,
8(11), 1484 (2020)
- 宮澤雅行、和嶋隆昌:水酸化ナトリウム水溶液への浸漬と熱分解処理による廃ガラス繊維強化プラスチック(GFRP)の減容化技術の開発、日本素材物性学会誌、31, 6-11 (2020)
- 和嶋隆昌、坂本和輝:アルカリ溶融による月面模擬砂からのジオポリマーセメントの創製、骨材資源、52、123-130 (2020)
- 和嶋隆昌、久須美隼也:天然ゼオライトの吸湿・脱臭能の改質、建設用原材料、27(1)、7-10 (2020)
- K. Nakaaze, T. Wajima: Recycling technology of bamboo using potassium hydroxide, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 11(2), 106-110 (2020)
- K. Sakamoto, T. Wajima: Preparation of geopolymer cement from simulated
lunar rock sand using alkali fusion, International Journal of Geomate,
18(70), 62-67 (2020)
- T. Wajima: Lead Immobilization in Artificial Contaminated Soil Using Sulfur-Impregnated
Carbonaceous Rice Straw, International Journal of Environmental Science
and Development, 11(4), 159-164 (2020)
- F. Sekihata, T. Wajima: Preparation of desalination agent from Ca-type Clay minerals, International Journal of Geomate, 19(71), 123-129 (2020)
- K. Hirota, T. Wajima: Selective removal of phosphorus from seawater using
mechanochemical treated zircon sand, Journal of Environmental Science and
Development, 11(5), 263-267 (2020)
- T. Wajima: Removal of hydrogen sulfide gas using agricultural wastes, International
Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 11(2), 63-66 (2020)
- T. Wajima: Effect of step-wise acid leaching with HCl on synthesis of zeolitic materials from paper sludge ash, Minerals, 10(5), 402 (2020)
- A. Suhara, T. Wajima: Synthesis of Fe-Type Layered Double Hydroxide from
Biomass Combustion Ash for Removal of Phosphorus, International Journal
of Environmental Science and Development, 11(6), 317-321 (2020)
- 宮澤雅行、和嶋隆昌:水酸化ナトリウム水溶液への浸漬と熱分解処理による廃ガラス繊維強化プラスチック(GFRP)の減容化技術の開発、31, 6-11
- 和嶋隆昌、セイ・ブンタン:水熱処理による砕石スラリーからのジオポリマーセメントの創製、骨材資源、52、1-8 (2020)
- T. Wajima: Removal of hydrogen sulphide gas using agrucultural wastes, 2020 10th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Process (ICCCP2020) (2020)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of Fe-layered double hydroxide from bittern and its
removal ability for nitrate ion, The 4th Asian Clay Conference (ACC-2020)
- M.Miyazawa, T.Wajima: Recycling technology for waste glass fiber reinforced
plastics (GFRP) using pyrolysis with NaOH, 2020 The 5th International Conference
on Materials Technology and Applications (ICMTA2020)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of X- and A-type zeolites from waste stone powder
and aluminium dross using alkali fusion, 2020 The 5th International Conference
on Materials Technology and applications (ICMTA2020)
- T. Wajima, A. Suhara: Synthesis of layered double hydroxide from biomass combustion ash and coal fly ash for phosphate removal, The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil and Ecological Engineering Research (ACEER2020)
- T. Wajima, S. Buntan: Conversion of waste-fine slurry into geopolymer cement
with addition of coal fly ash, The 10th International Conference on Geotechnique,
Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE2020)
- N. Minami, T. Wajima: Preparation of fluoride adsorbent from zircon sand
using mechanochemical treatment, and its application for fluoride removal,
The 10th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials
and Environment (GEOMATE2020)
- F. Sekihata, T. Wajima: Desalination behavior of natural zeolite in seawater, The 10th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE2020)
- T. Wajima, T. Takahashi: Synthesis of hydrogrossular and hydroxysodalite
from blast furnace slag using alkali fusion for fixiation of HCl gas, The
9th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering(CMSE2020)
- M. Miyazawa, T. Wajima: Recycling of waste glass fiber-reinforced plastics
uisng pyrolysis with KOH, The 9th Global Conference on Materials Science
and Engineering(CMSE2020)
- 坂本和輝、和嶋隆昌: アルカリ塩の活用による月面模擬砂からのジオポリマーセメントの創製、日本海水学会若手会第11回学生研究発表会 (2020)
- 関端史果、和嶋隆昌: 天然ゼオライトの海水中における脱塩挙動、日本海水学会若手会第11回学生研究発表会 (2020)
- 南奈伎沙、和嶋隆昌: メカノケミカル処理したジルコンサンドを用いた温泉水からのフッ素除去、日本海水学会若手会第11回学生研究発表会 (2020)
- 廣田海人、和嶋隆昌: メカノケミカル処理したジルコンサンドを用いた海洋深層水中のリン回収への応用、日本海水学会若手会第11回学生研究発表会 (2020)
- 中畔幸二郎、和嶋隆昌: NaClを用いた竹熱分解における炭化物比表面積の増加、日本海水学会若手会第11回学生研究発表会 (2020)
- 須原明俊、和嶋隆昌: バイオマス燃焼灰を原料とする層状複水酸化物の高塩水中におけるリン吸着能、日本海水学会若手会第11回学生研究発表会 (2020)
- 仲村誉、和嶋隆昌: 急速加熱による石炭灰の硬化挙動を活用した砕石微粒分の緑化資材化、令和2年度資源・素材学会春季大会 (2020)
- 坂本和輝、和嶋隆昌: 月面模擬砂を原料としたジオポリマーセメントの創製、令和2年度資源・素材学会春季大会 (2020)
- 須原明俊、和嶋隆昌: バイオマス燃焼灰からの層状複水酸化物の合成とリン除去能の評価、令和2年度資源・素材学会春季大会 (2020)
- 冨田紘平、和嶋隆昌: 水酸化アルカリを用いた廃CFRPからの炭素繊維の回収、令和2年度資源・素材学会春季大会 (2020)
- Dhyah Ayu Permatasari、和嶋隆昌: 石灰石砕石微粒分からのリン吸着材の作成と肥料化、令和2年度資源・素材学会春季大会 (2020)
- セイブンタン、和嶋隆昌: 砕石スラリーと石炭灰からのジオポリマーセメントの創製、令和2年度資源・素材学会春季大会 (2020)
・和嶋隆晶(分担執筆):骨材資源ハンドブック, 骨材資源学会(2020)
- T. Wajima, S. Onishi: Alkali fusion of waste perlite dust to synthesize
faujasite zeolite using a rotary kiln, International Journal of Chemical
Engineering and Applications, 10(6), 184-188 (2019)
- T. Wajima: Phosphorous removal ability of hydrotalcite reconstructed in
seawater, Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan, 73(6), 339-342
- T. Wajima: Desalination of seawater using natural zeolite for agriculturalutilization,
International Journal of GEOMATE, 16(56), 21-26 (2019)
- K. Sakamoto, T. Wajima: Preparation of geopolymer cement from crushed stone by-product using alkali fusion, International Journal of GEOMATE, 17-22 (2019)
- T. Wajima, S. Matsuka: A new recycling process of waste glass wool using pyrolysis with sodium hydroxide, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 10(3), 75-79 (2019)
- M. Nakayasu, T. Wajima: Development of food waste disposal technology using sodium hydroxide, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 10(3), 64-68 (2019)
- T. Wajima: Simple desalination process for making agricultural cultivation solution from seawater using natural zeolite and activated alumina", MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1), 159-166 (2019)
- T. Wajima: Alkali fusion of waste perlite dust to synthesize faujasite
zeolite using a rotary kiln, 10th International Conference on Chemical
Engineering and Applications (CCEA2019) (2019)
- T. Wajima, K. Kanazuka: Synthesis of Hydrocalumite From Blast Furnace Slag Via Alkali Fusion Using Unutilized Heat of Molten Slag, The 2nd World Summit on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology (Indiana Summit 2019) (2019)
- A. Suhara, T. Wajima: Synthesis of Fe-type layered double hydroxide from
biomass combustion ash for removal of phosphorous, 2019 4th Asia Conference
on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD2019) (2019)
- K. Hirota, T. Wajima: Selective removal of phosphorous from seawater using
mechanochemical treated zircon sand, 2019 4th Asia Conference on Environment
and Sustainable Development (ACESD2019)(2019)
- T. Wajima: Lead immobilization in artificial contaminated soil using sulfur-impregnated carbonacious rice straw, 2019 4th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD2019)(2019)
- K. Nakaaze, T. Wajima: Recycling technology of bamboo using potassium hydroxide,
2019 4th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD2019)
- T. Wajima: Lead immobilization in artificial contaminated soil using sulfur-impregnated
carbonacious bomboo, The 9th International Conference on Geotechnique,
Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE2019) (2019)
- F. Sekihata, T. Wajima: Preparation of desalination agent from Ca-type clay minerals,The 9th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE2019) (2019)
- K. Sakamato, T. Wajima: Preparation of geopolymer cement from simulated
lunar rock sand using alkali fusion, The 9th International Conference on
Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE2019) (2019)
- M. Nakayasu, T. Wajima: Development of food waste disposal technology using sodium hydroxide, 6th Internaitonal Conference on Chemical and Food Engineering (ICCFE2019) (2019)
- T. Wajima, S. Matsuka: A new recycing process of waste glass wool using pyrolysis with sodium hydroxide, 6th Internaitonal Conference on Chemical and Food Engineering (ICCFE2019) (2019)
- 関端史果、和嶋隆昌: カルシウム型粘土鉱物を用いた脱塩材の開発、環境資源工学会第138回学術講演会 (2019)
- 須原明俊、和嶋隆昌: バイオマス燃焼灰からの層状複水酸化物の合成とリン除去能の評価、環境資源工学会第138回学術講演会 (2019)
- 南奈伎沙、和嶋隆昌: メカノケミカル処理したジルコンサンドのフッ素吸着能の評価、環境資源工学会第138回学術講演会 (2019)
- 宮澤雅行、和嶋隆昌: 水酸化ナトリウム水溶液への浸漬と熱分解処理による廃ガラス繊維強化プラスチック(GFRP)の減容化技術の開発、日本素材物性学会第29回年会 (2019)
- 坂本和輝、和嶋隆昌: アルカリ溶融を活用した月面模擬砂からのジオポリマーセメントの作製、日本素材物性学会第29回年会 (2019)
- 宮澤雅行、和嶋隆昌: 水酸化ナトリウムを用いた熱分解処理による廃ガラス繊維強化プラスチック(GFRP)の再資源化技術の開発、化学工学会横浜大会
- 和嶋隆昌: 新規硫黄吸着材を用いた貴金属元素の分離回収技術の開発、令和元年度資源・素材学会秋季大会 (2019)
- 和嶋隆昌: セシウム含有浚渫土ケーキ中のセシウムの固定化技術の開発、令和元年度資源・素材学会秋季大会 (2019)
- 和嶋隆昌: バイオマス灰の有効利用技術の開発、2019年度環境ビジネス委員会講演会 (2019)
- 和嶋隆昌: 硫黄の活用による廃棄物系バイオマスからの重金属吸着材の製造と金属回収への利用に関する研究、令和元年度日本化学会東北支部秋田地区講演会~レアメタル・重金属分離の最新動向~
- 和嶋隆昌: アルカリ溶融反応を活用した鉄鋼スラグの機能性物質変換プロセスの開発、化学的または生物学的処理によるスラグの機能変化とその評価・分析フォーラム
- 渡邊健太郎、和嶋隆昌: アルカリ反応を用いた浚渫土中のセシウム固定化、平成31年度資源・素材学会春季大会 (2019)
- 井口誠也、和嶋隆昌: 硫黄担持炭化物フィルターを用いたニッケルの吸着・回収プロセス、平成31年度資源・素材学会春季大会 (2019)
- 宮澤雅行、和嶋隆昌: 水酸化ナトリウムを活用した廃ガラス繊維強化プラスチック(GFRP)の再資源化処理、平成31年度資源・素材学会春季大会 (2019)
- 廣田海人、和嶋隆昌: メカノケミカル処理したジルコンサンドを用いた海洋深層水からのリン回収プロセスの開発、日本海水学会若手会第10回学生研究発表会 (2019)
- 関端史果、和嶋隆昌: Ca型粘土鉱物を用いた脱塩材の開発、日本海水学会若手会第10回学生研究発表会 (2019)
- 南奈伎沙、和嶋隆昌: メカノケミカル処理によるジルコンサンドからの高選択性フッ素吸着材の開発、日本海水学会若手会第10回学生研究発表会 (2019)
- T. Wajima, T. Sakakibara: Conversion of rice straw into methane gas using zeolites, Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 2(5), 18-24 (2018)
- M. Iguchi, T. Wajima: Behavior of reduction precipitation of nickel adsorbed on the surface of sulfur-impregnated carbonacious cotton, Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 2(5), 1-6 (2018)
- K. Nakaaze, T. Wajima: A novel recycling technology of bamboo using NaOH", Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 2(5), 7-12 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of carbonaceous sulfur-impregnated adsorbent from rice straw for nickel recovery from nickel plating waste solution, International Journal of the Society of Material Engineering for Resources, 23(1), 117-122 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Alkali Conversion of Waste Clay into Zeolitic Materials using NaOH and KOH solution, International Journal of the Society of Material Engineering for Resources, 23(1), 30-35 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of sulfur-impregnated carbonacious adsorbent from rice husk for heavy metal removal from aqueous solution, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 9(2), 38-42 (2018)
- Y. Kawabata, H. Nakagome, T. Wajima, S. Hosokai, H. Sato, K. Matsuoka: Tar emission during pyrolysis of low rank coal in a circulating fluidzed bed reactor, Energy & Fuel, 32, 1387-1394 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Removal behavior of nitrate using Fe-layered double hydroxide derived from bittern, Journal of Ion Exchange, 29(3), 147-152 (2018)
- M. Iguchi, T. Wajima: Preparation of sulfur-impregnated carbonaceous filter with high heavy metal adsorption capacity, Journal of Ion Exchange, 29(3), 153-157 (2018)
- K. Hirota, T. Wajima: Preparation of highly selective phosphorous adsorbent from zircon sand (ZrSiO4) by mechanochemical treatment, Journal of Ion Exchange, 29(3), 158-162 (2018)
- A. Suhara, T. Wajima: Synthesis of Fe-type layered double hydroxide from biomass combustion ash for removal of arsenite and arsenate, Journal of Ion Exchange, 29(3), 60-66 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Desalination properties of a natural zeolite and calcined hydrotalcite mixture in seawater, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 9(4), 128-134 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Desalination of Seawater using Ca-A Zeolite for Agricultural Utilization, Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan, 6, 325-328 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Selective Removal of Cl- and SO42- from Seawater using Ag- and Pb-exchanged Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolites, Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan, 6, 332-333 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of phoshpate sequestration agent from waste paper sludge using granulation and calcination, International Journal of Latest Reserach in Engineering and Management, 2(6), 7-13 (2018)
- D. Tsutsui, T. Wajima: Desalination property of various calcined layered double hydroxides from seawater, Internaitonal Journal of Environmental and Agriculture Research, 4(11), 15-21 (2018)
- D. Kasahara, T. Wajima: Material conversion of waste aluminoborosilicate glass into faujasite-type zeolite using alkali fusion, International Journal of Engineering Reserach and Science, 4(11), 30-36 (2018)
- 和嶋隆昌、坂本和輝: アルカリ溶融を活用した砕石ダスト・ケーキからのジオポリマーセメントの創製, 骨材資源, 199, 136-142 (2018)
- 和嶋隆昌、今井敏夫、佐野奨: アルカリ溶融を用いた砕石微粒分からのゼオライト系物質の製造―各種砕石微粒分からのフォージャサイトの生成―, 素材物性学雑誌, 29,29-34 (2018)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砕石微粒分を原料としたガス化触媒粒子の創成と評価,骨材資源, 197, 1-10 (2018)
- 和嶋隆昌,今井敏夫,佐野奨: 砕石ダストからのゼオライト系物質の合成を指向したロータリーキルンを用いたアルカリ溶融処理,建設用原材料,26(1), 9-14 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Lead immobilization in artificial contaminated soil using sulfur-impregnated carbonacious material derived from rice straw, Proceedings of XXIX International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2018), Paper 118 (USB) (2018)
- K. Sakamoto, T. Wajima: Preparation of geopolymer cement from cruched stone by-product uisng alkali fusion, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Science, Engineering and Environment, p. 811-816 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Desalination of seawater uisng natural zeolite for agricultural utilization, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Science, Engineering and Environment, p. 817-821 (2018)
- 和嶋隆昌: 硫黄処理によるバイオマス廃棄物からの重金属吸着材の作成と廃液処理への応用、硫酸と工業、71(2), p. 25-30 (2018)
- 和嶋隆昌: にがりを活用した硝酸性窒素除去材の開発、日本海水学会誌、72、p. 218-224 (2018)
- T. Wajima, T. Sakakibara: Conversion of rice straw into methane gas using zeolites, 2nd ASEAN Academic Network International Conference on Applied Engineering and Technology System 2018 (AICAETS2018) (2018)
- M. Iguchi, T. Wajima: Behavior of reduction precipitation of nickel adsorbed on the surface of sulfur-impregnated carbonacious cotton, 2nd ASEAN Academic Network International Conference on Applied Engineering and Technology System 2018 (AICAETS2018) (2018)
- K. Nakaaze, T. Wajima: A novel recycling technology of bamboo using NaOH, 2nd ASEAN Academic Network International Conference on Applied Engineering and Technology System 2018 (AICAETS2018) (2018)
- T. Wajima: Desalination of high salty water using natural zeolite for agricultural utilization, 2018 9th International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications (CCEA2018) (2018)
- T. Wajima: Recovery of phosphate from deep seawater, Grand Renewable Energy 2018 (2018)
- K. Nakaaze, T. Wajima: A novel recycling technology of bamboo using NaOH, Grand Renewable Energy 2018 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Removal behavior of hydrocalumite for As(III) and As(V) from aqueous solution, 5th International Arsenic Symposium in Miyazaki 2018 (2018)
- A. Suhara, T. Wajima: Synthesis of Fe-type layered double hydroxide from biomass combustion ash for As removal, 5th International Arsenic Symposium in Miyazaki 2018 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Removal of silver(I) from aqueous solution with Japanese natural zeolites, Mordenite and clinoptilolite: A comparative study, International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals 2018 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Removal behavior of nitrate using Fe-layered double hydroxide derived from bittern,The 7th International Conference on Ion Exchange (ICIE2018) (2018)
- M. Iguchi, T. Wajima: Preparation of sulfur-impregnated carbonaceous filter with high heavy metal adsorption capacity,The 7th International Conference on Ion Exchange (ICIE2018) (2018)
- K. Hirota, T. Wajima: Preparation of highly selective phosphorus adsorbent from zircon sand (ZrSiO4) by mechanochemical treatment,The 7th International Conference on Ion Exchange (ICIE2018) (2018)
- A. Suhara, T. Wajima: Synthesis of Fe-type layered double hydroxide from biomass combustion ash for removal of arsenic and arsenite,The 7th International Conference on Ion Exchange (ICIE2018) (2018)
- T. Wajima: Lead immobilization in artificial contaminated soil using sulfur-impregnated carbonacious material derived from rice straw, XXIX International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2018) (2018)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of Fe-layered double hydroxide from bittern for nitrate removal, The 6th International OTEC Symposium (2018)
- K. Hirota, T. Wajima: Phosphorus recovery from deep seawater using mechanochemical treated zircon sand", The 6th International OTEC Symposium (2018)
- T. Wajima: Desalination of seawter using natural zeolite for agricultural utilization, 4th International Conference on Science, Engineering and Environment (SEE-Nagoya2018) (2018)
- K. Sakamoto, T. Wajima: Preparation of geopolymer cement from crushed stone by-product using alkali fusion, 4th International Conference on Science, Engineering and Environment (SEE-Nagoya2018) (2018)
- 須原明俊、和嶋隆昌: バイオマス燃焼灰からの層状複水酸化物の合成とその水質浄化能、第20回化学工学会学生発表会 (2018)
- 久須美隼也、和嶋隆昌: 乾燥と脱臭への利用を指向した天然ゼオライトの改質、第20回化学工学会学生発表会 (2018)
- 中畔幸二郎、和嶋隆昌: 水酸化ナトリウムを用いた竹の再資源化技術の開発、第20回化学工学会学生発表会 (2018)
- 廣田海人、和嶋隆昌: メカノケミカル処理による高選択性リン吸着材の開発、日本海水学会若手会第9回学生研究発表会 (2018)
- 坂本和輝、和嶋隆昌: アルカリ塩を活用した砕石微粒分のセメント転換技術の開発、日本海水学会若手会第9回学生研究発表会 (2018)
- 井口誠也、和嶋隆昌: 硫黄担持炭化物フィルターを用いた海水からのニッケル回収、日本海水学会若手会第9回学生研究発表会 (2018)
- 和嶋隆昌: 石灰石砕石微粒分を原料とした有害重金属吸着剤の開発、第77回石灰石鉱業大会 (2018)
- 和嶋隆昌: 天然ゼオライトを用いた海水脱塩プロセスの開発、日本海水学会第69年会研究技術発表会 (2018)
- 廣田海人、和嶋隆昌: メカノケミカル処理したジルコンサンドによる海水中のリン回収、日本海水学会第69年会研究技術発表会 (2018)
- 須原明俊、和嶋隆昌: 海水を用いたバイオマス燃焼灰からの層状複水酸化物の合成、日本海水学会第69年会研究技術発表会 (2018)
- 廣田海人、和嶋隆昌: メカノケミカル処理によるリン吸着能発現メカニズムの解明、環境資源工学会第137回学術講演会 (2018)
- 坂本和輝、和嶋隆昌: アルカリ溶融を活用した砕石副産物からのジオポリマーセメントの創製、環境資源工学会第137回学術講演会 (2018)
- 中畔幸次郎、和嶋隆昌: 水酸化物を用いた竹からの効率的な炭化物吸着材の作成プロセス、化学工学会室蘭大会(3支部合同大会)(2018)
- 和嶋隆昌: アルカリ溶融を活用した砕石ケーキからのジオポリマーセメント製造技術の開発、砕石フォーラム2018 (2018)
- T. Wajima: Decomposition of mould resin in spent capacitors by NaOH for the recovery of tantalum, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development,8(4),285-289 (2017)
- K. Kimura, T. Wajima: Phosphate removal ability of calcined paper sludge from aqueous solution -Effect of calcination temperature-, International Journal of Envirnmental Science and Development, 8(4), 247-250 (2017)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of HCl Gas Sorbent from Paper Sludge, Natural Resources, 8, 291-299 (2017)
- T. Wajima: Alkali fusion synthesis of zeolitic materials from waste dehydrated cake discharged from recycling of construction waste soil, Natural Resources, 8, 300-305 (2017)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of hydroxysodalite from paper sludge ash using NaOH-LiOH mixtures, Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal, 9(1), 309-314 (2017)
- S. Onishi, T. Wajima, T. Imai, S. Sano: Alkali fusion process of waste stone dust to synthesize faujasite using rotaly kiln, Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal, 9(1), 287-292 (2017)
- K. Baba, T. Wajima: Recycling technology of fiber-reinforced plastics using sodium hydroxide, Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal, 9(2), 150-155 (2017)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of carbonaceous heavy metal adsorbent from cedar bark using sulfur-impregnation, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 18(4), 272-276 (2017)
- T. Wajima: A novel adsorbent formed from blast furnace slag by alkali fusion for phosphate ions removal, ESTEEM Academic Journal, 14, 1-17 (2017)
- D. Tsutsui, T. Wajima: Desalination of seawater using calcined hydrotalcite with different Mg/Al ratio, ESTEEM Academic Journal, 13, 195-204 (2017)
- T. Wajima: A new carbonacious adsorbent for heavy metal removal from aqueous solution prepared from paper sludge by sulfur-impregnation and pyrolysis, Process Safty and Environmental Protection, 112, 342-352 (2017)
- T. Wajima: Immobilization of carbon dioxide using blast furnace slag with NaOH: Comparative study, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 4(10), 8454-8458 (2017)
- T. Wajima: Alkali Conversion of Waste Clay into Zeolitic Materials using NaOH and KOH solution, Proceedings of International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources(ICMR2017), 190-195 (2017)
- 和嶋隆昌: 硫黄処理したバイオマス廃棄物によるニッケル洗浄廃液からのニッケル回収、ケミカルエンジニアリング,62(3), p. 39-44 (2017)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of carbonacious heavy metal adsorbent from cedar bark using sulfur-impregnation, 2017 8th International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications (CCEA2017) (2017)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of mixed hydrous oxides adsorbent from coal fly ash and lime for removal of Pb2+, NH4+ and PO43- from aqueous solution, The 7th Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT2017) (2017)
- M. Iguchi, T. Wajima: Effect of sulfur immersion on heavy metal removal of sulfur-impregnated carbonacious adsorbent derived from biomass,The 7th Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT2017) (2017)
- T. Wajima, Y. Okawa: Desalination of seawater using Ca-A zeolite for agricultural utilization, 5th International Symposium & Exhibition on Aqua Science and Water Resources (ISASER'17) (2017)
- D. TsuTsui, T. Wajima: Desalination property of seawater using various calcined layered double hydroxides, The 14th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology (EARTH2017) (2017)
- T. Wajima: Alkali Conversion of Waste Clay into Zeolitic Materials using NaOH and KOH solution, International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources(ICMR2017) (2017)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of phosphate sequestration agent from waste paper sludge using granulation and calcination, 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET3) (2017)
- D. Kasahara, T. Wajima: Material conversion of waste aluminoborosilicate glass into faujasite-type zeolite using alkali fusion, 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET3) (2017)
- D. TsuTsui, T. Wajima: Desalination property of various calcined layered double hydroxides from seawater, 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET3) (2017)
- 石山達也、和嶋隆昌: 海水を用いた層状複水酸化物の合成方法の開発、日本海水学科若手会第8回学生研究発表会 (2017)
- 松家皐月、和嶋隆昌: 水酸化アルカリを活用した廃断熱材の再資源化技術の開発、第19回化学工学会学生発表会 (2017)
- 藤井元貴、和嶋隆昌: アルカリ溶融を用いたアルミドロス残灰の無害化・再資源化技術の開発、第19回化学工学会学生発表会 (2017)
- 井口誠也、和嶋隆昌: 硫黄の浸漬処理が及ぼす硫黄担持炭の重金属吸着能への影響、第19回化学工学会学生発表会 (2017)
- 石山達也、和嶋隆昌: 石灰系砕石微粒分からの層状複水酸化物の合成とその重金属除去能、第19回化学工学会学生発表会 (2017)
- 和嶋隆昌: 天然ゼオライトによる海水から脱塩処理、第1回水資源の確保と保全に向けた材料・技術研究講演会 (2017)
- 井口誠也、和嶋隆昌: バイオマス由来の硫黄担持炭による廃水からのニッケル回収、平成29年度資源・素材学会春季大会 (2017)
- 和嶋隆昌: 微粒分廃棄物の有効利用技術の開発、骨材資源工学会平成29年度通常総会・講演会 (2017)
- 井口誠也、和嶋隆昌: 高い重金属吸着能を持つ硫黄担持炭化物フィルターの開発、化学工学会東京大会 (2017)
- 笠原大慈、和嶋隆昌: アルカリ溶融を用いた廃液晶ガラスのゼオライト転換プロセスの開発、化学工学会東京大会 (2017)
- 和嶋隆昌、今井敏夫、佐野奨: 砕石微粒分のロータリーキルンによるアルカリ溶融処理とゼオライト転換、平成29年度資源・素材学会秋季大会 (2017)
- 和嶋隆昌: にがりを原料とした陰イオン除去材の開発、海水資源・環境セミナー (2017)
- T. Wajima: Kinetics of the removal of hydrogen chloride gas using hydroxysodalite at high temperatures, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 7(4), 235-238 (2016)
- M. Morita, M. Nakayasu, T. Wajima, A. T. Sato, H. Nakagome: Effect of hydrotalcite on bromine content in oil produced from the pyrolysis of acrylonitrile-butadience-Styrene Plastics, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 7(4), 249-253 (2016)
- V. H. Hoang, K. Baba, Y. Kawabata, A. T. Saito, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Drying Methods of Unutilized Cedar Logs for Use as a Source of Heating Fuel, International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Development, 7(6), 469-472 (2016)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of zeolitic material from green tuff stone cake and its adsorption properties of silver (I) from aqueous solution, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 233, 154-162 (2016)
- T. Wajima: Phosphate Adsorption on Zirconium-Loaded Activated Carbon, and its Application for Phosphate Recovery from Deep-seawater, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 7(6), 388-393 (2016)
- H. Yasuda, Y. Suzuki, S. Sakai, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Adaptability of wood biomass to fixed bed gasifier controlling bed height, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 95, 296-302 (2016)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of Tobermorite from the Ash after Treatment of Asbesto-containing Disaster Waste, and its Removal Ability of Cs(I) from Aqueous Solution, Engineering Journal, 20(4), 79-91 (2016)
- T. Wajima: Removal of Ag(I) from aqueous solution by Japanese natural clinoptilolite, Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, 6, 470-487 (2016)
- M. Nakayasu, M. Morita, Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: The effect of molecular sieves addition on the thermal decomposition of Japanese cedar, International Journal of Food Engineering, 2(2), 103-107 (2016)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砕石スラリーからの環境浄化材の作成と評価,骨材資源, 188, 189-194 (2016)
- 和嶋隆昌: アルカリ溶融処理を用いた砕石微粒分からのゼオライト系物質の合成,建設用原材料, 24(1), 1-5 (2016)
- N. Morita, Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, A. T. Saito, H. Nakagome: Effect of the bromie-based flame retardant plastic pyrolysis of hydrotalcite, MATEC Web of Conference, 62, 05002 (2016)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of carbonaceous adsorbent from rice straw using sulfur impregnation for nickel recovery from plating waste solution, Proceedings of XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2016), p106 (USB) (2016)
- 和嶋隆昌: 未利用資源を活用した無機イオン交換体の合成と環境浄化への利用、日本イオン交換学会誌、27(1), p. 1-7 (2016)
- T. Wajima: Phoshpate adsorption on zirconium-loaded activated carbon, and its application for phosphate recovery from deep seawater, 2016 3rd International Confernce on Chemical and Food Engineering (ICCFE2016) (2016)
- N. Morita, Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, A. T. Sato, H. Nakagome: Effect of the Bromine-based flame retardnat plastic pyrolysis of hydrotalcite, 2016 3rd International Confernce on Chemical and Food Engineering (ICCFE2016) (2016)
- M. Nakayasu, N. Morita, Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: The effect of molecular sieves addition on the thermal decomposition of Japanese Cedar,2016 3rd International Confernce on Chemical and Food Engineering (ICCFE2016) (2016)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of carbonaceous adsorbent from rice straw using sulfur impregnation for nickel recovery from plating waste solution, XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2016) (2016)
- T. Wajima: A novel adsorbent formed from balst furnace slag by alkali fusion to remove phosphate ions from aqueous solution, 2nd International Confernce on Chemistry and Environmental Sciences Reserach 2016 (ICCESR2016) (2016)
- T. Sakakibara, T. Wajima: Conversion of agricultural wastes into methane gas using various zeolites, 2nd International Confernce on Chemistry and Environmental Sciences Reserach 2016 (ICCESR2016) (2016)
- D. Tsutsui, T.Wajima: Desalination property of calcined hydrotalcite with different Mg/Al ratio, 2nd International Confernce on Chemistry and Environmental Sciences Reserach 2016 (ICCESR2016) (2016)
- T. Wajima: A novel carbonaceous adsorbent prepared from paper sludge using sulfur impregnation for heavy metal removal from aqueous solution, The 9th annual conference on the challenges in environmental science and engineering (CESE2016) (2016)
- D. Kasahara, T. Wajima: Material conversion of waste aluminoborosilicate glass into faujassite-type zeolite using alkali fusion, The 9th annual conference on the challenges in environmental science and engineering (CESE2016) (2016)
- K. Kanazuka, T. Wajima: Synthesis of hydrocalumite from blast furnace slag via alkali fusion using unutilized heat source, The 9th annual conference on the challenges in environmental science and engineering (CESE2016) (2016)
- T. Wajima: Decomposition of mould resin in spent capacitors by NaOH for the recovery of tantalum, 2016 Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD2016) (2016)
- K. Kimura, T. Wajima: Phosphate removal ability of calcined paper sludge from aqueous solution -Effect of calcination temperature-, 2016 Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD2016) (2016)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of hydroxysodalite from paper sludge ash using NaOH-LiOH mixtures, International Conference on Materials Processing and Applications (ICMPA2016) (2016)
- S. Onishi, T. Wajima, T. Imai, S. Sano: Alkali fusion process of waste stone dust to synthesize faujasite using rotaly kiln, International Conference on Materials Processing and Applications (ICMPA2016) (2016)
- K. Baba, T. Wajima: Recycling technology of fiber-reinforced plastics using sodium hydroxide, International Conference on Materials Processing and Applications (ICMPA2016) (2016)
- 筒井大揮、和嶋隆昌: 焼成ハイドロタルサイトの脱塩特性、第8回日本海水学会学生発表会 (2016)
- Sri Lestari、和嶋隆昌: 硫黄を活用した稲わらからの重金属吸着材の作成と評価、第18回化学工学会学生発表会 (2016)
- 榊原智宣、和嶋隆昌: ゼオライトを用いた農林水産系廃棄物のメタンガス化、第18回化学工学会学生発表会 (2016)
- 和嶋隆昌: 高炉スラグからのハロゲン捕獲材の合成と評価、第171回日本鉄鋼協会春季講演大会 (2016)
- 大西真司、和嶋隆昌、今井敏夫、佐野奨: ロータリーキルンによるアルカリ溶融処理を用いた砕石ダストのゼオライト転換、資源素材学会春季大会 (2016)
- 金塚恭平、和嶋隆昌: 未利用廃熱を利用したアルカリ溶融処理による高炉スラグからのハイドロカルマイト合成、資源素材学会春季大会 (2016)
- 笠原大慈、和嶋隆昌: アルカリ溶融を用いた廃液晶ガラスの機能性素材化プロセスの開発、平成 28 年度廃棄物資源循環学会 春の研究発表会 (2016)
- 石田峻康、和嶋隆昌: ゼオライトによるメタンガス中に含まれる硫化水素ガスの除去、第21回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム (2016)
- 大河由美、和嶋隆昌: Ca-A型ゼオライトの海水からの脱塩特性と農業利用への適用、第32回日本イオン交換研究発表会 (2016)
- 筒井大輝、和嶋隆昌: 異なる温度で焼成したハイドロタルサイトの脱塩特性、第32回日本イオン交換研究発表会 (2016)
- 石田峻康、和嶋隆昌: 様々な吸着剤によるメタンガス中に含まれる硫化水素ガスの除去、化学工学会福島大会(3支部合同大会)(2016)
- 馬場浩司、和嶋隆昌: 水酸化ナトリウムを用いた廃棄基盤からの金属回収技術の開発、化学工学会福島大会(3支部合同大会)(2016)
- 大西真司、和嶋隆昌: 砕石ダストのゼオライト転換を目的としたロータリーキルンによるアルカリ溶融処理、化学工学会福島大会(3支部合同大会)(2016)
- 髙橋知希、和嶋隆昌: アルカリ反応による高炉スラグのハロゲンガス捕獲材の生成と評価、化学工学会福島大会(3支部合同大会)(2016)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of hydrotalcite from bittern, and its removal abilities of phosphate and nitrate, International Journal of Chemcial Engineering and Applications, 6(4), 228-231 (2015)
- N. Morita, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Reduction in content of bromine compounds in the product oil of pyrolysis using synthetic hydrotalcite, International Journal of Chemcial Engineering and Applications, 6(4), 262-266 (2015)
- Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome, S. Hosoaki, Y. Suzuki, K. Matsuoka: Reduction and reforming of tar with enhanced volatile-char interaction during coal pyrolysis, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 6(4), 281-284 (2015)
- V. H. Hoang, S. Nagasaki,Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Drying mechanism of unutilized cedar logs as a source of heating fuel, International Journal of Chemcial Engineering and Applications, 6(4), 285-288 (2015)
- T. Wajima, Z. Z. Hlaing, A. Saito, H. Nakagome: Removal of halogens from pyrolysis oils produced by plastics containing flame retardants, International journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 4(2), 55-59 (2015)
- T. Wajima, Z. Z. Hlaing, A. Saito, H. Nakagome: Removel of bromine from pyrolysis oil with NaOH in a reflux condenser system, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 2(5), 1201-1204 (2015)
- 和嶋隆昌: アルカリ反応を用いた緑色凝灰岩砕石ケーキからの銀イオン担持能を持つゼオライト系物質の調製,日本イオン交換学会誌,26(2), 23-27 (2015)
- T. Wajima: Stabilization of mine waste using iron and steel-maiking slag to prevent acid mine drainage, Advances in Environment Research, vol. 87,p.48-53 (2015)
- N. Morita, A. T. Sato, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Halogen reduction in pyrolysis oil from bromine-containing plastics using hydrotalcite, Advances in Environment Research, vol. 87, p.54-61 (2015)
- Y. Okawa, T. Wajima: Desalination behavior from seawater using zeolites, allophane clay, and activated alumina, Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, pp. 361-364 (2015)
- K. Kimura, T. Wajima: Removal behavior of phosphate from aqueous solution using calcined paper sludge, Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, pp. 361-364 (2015)
- 和嶋隆昌: 資源循環を目指した新規吸着材の開発,生活と環境, 60(9), p.53-57 (2015)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of Zeolitic Material from Waste Stone Cake of Green Tuff Region in Japan, International Symposium on Zeolite and Microporous Crystals 2015 (ZMPC2015) (2015)
- T. Wajima: Effect of acid leaching on the synthesis of zeolitic materials from paper sludge ash, The 5th International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interfaces for High Quality Advanced Materials and the 51st Summer Symposium on Powder Technology (ICCCI2015) (2015)
- K. Matsuki, T. Wajima: Granulation of paper sludge using distilled water and preparation of porous particle fopr phosphate removal, The 5th International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interfaces for High Quality Advanced Materials and the 51st Summer Symposium on Poeder Technology (ICCCI2015) (2015)
- T. Wajima: Stabilization of mine waste using iron and steel-maiking slag to prevent acid mine drainage, 2015 International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER2015) (2015)
- N. Morita, A. T. Sato, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Halogen reduction in pyrolysis oil from bromine-containing plastics using hydrotalcite, 2015 International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER2015) (2015)
- T. Wajima: Kinetics of the removal of hydrogen chloride gas using hydroxysodalite at high temperatures, 2015 6th International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications (CCEA2015) (2015)
- N. Morita, M. Nakayasu, T. Wajima, A. T. Saito, H. Nakagome: Effect of hydrotalcite on bromine content in oil produced from the pyrolysis of acrylonitrile-butadience-Styrene Plastics, 2015 6th International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications (CCEA2015) (2015)
- V. H. Hoang, Y. Kawabata, M. Adachi, A. T. Saito, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Drying Mechanism of Unutilized Cedar Logs as a Source of Heating Fuel,2015 8th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (2015)
- K. Baba, V. H. Hoang, Y. Kawabata, A. T. Saito, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Drying Methods of Unutilized Cedar Logs for Use as a Source of Heating Fuel, 2015 5th International Conference on Biotechnology and Environmental Management (2015)
- T. Wajima, S. Katano, H. Nakagome: Decomposition of mold resin in used capacitor using NaOH for recovery of tantalum parts, The 6th Asian Particle Technology Symposium 2015 (APT2015) (2015)
- S. Onishi, T. Wajima, T. Imai, S. Sano: Continuous alkali fusion process of perlite dust using rotaly kiln to synthesize zeolite-X for environmetnal application, The 6th Asian Particle Technology Symposium 2015 (APT2015) (2015)
- Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome, S. Hosokai, H. Sato, K. Kuramoto, K. Matsuoka: Emission of tar during enhancement of volatile-char interaction in pyrolysis of low rank coal, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology 2015 (ICCS&T 2015) (2015)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of Tobermorite from the Ash after Treatment of Asbesto-containing Disaster Waste, and its Removal Ability of Cs(I) from Aqueous Solution, The 13th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology (EARTH 2015) (2015)
- Y. Okawa, T. Wajima: Desalination behavior from seawater using zeolites, allophane and activated alumina, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015 (2015)
- K. Kimura, T. Wajima: Removal behavior of phosphate from aqueous solution using calcined paper sludge, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015 (2015)
- Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome, S. Hosokai, H. Sato, K. Matsuoka: Suppression of tar emission by enhancing volatile-char interaction during coal gasification at low temperature, The 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pachifichem 2015) (2015)
- T. Wajima: Behavior of phosphate adsorption on zirconium-loaded activated carbon, and its application for phosphate recovery from seawater, The 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pachifichem 2015) (2015)
- 酒井翔平、和嶋隆昌、中込秀樹、鈴木善三、安田肇: 固定床ガス化におけるバイオマス固形燃料の粉化抑制試験、第10回バイオマス科学会議 (2015)
- 金塚恭平、和嶋隆昌: 未利用廃熱を利用した高炉スラグのアルカリ溶融処理とその生成物評価、第17回化学工学会学生発表会 (2015)
- 大河由美、和嶋隆昌: 活性アルミナの海水からの脱塩特性と農業利用への適用、日本海水学会若手会第6回学生研究発表会 (2015)
- 金塚恭平、和嶋隆昌: 炭酸ナトリウムを用いた高炉スラグの機能性物質転換法の開発、日本海水学会若手会第6回学生研究発表会 (2015)
- 松木桂子、和嶋隆昌: 蒸留水を用いた製紙スラッジの造粒と多孔質リン吸着材の調製、資源・素材学会春季大会 (2015)
- 木村健太郎、和嶋隆昌: 製紙スラッジ焼却灰を使った水溶液からのリン酸塩の除去性質、資源・素材学会春季大会 (2015)
- 和嶋隆昌: 硫化処理を用いた有機系廃棄物からの重金属吸着材の作成と評価、資源・素材学会春季大会 (2015)
- 大西真司、和嶋隆昌、今井敏夫、佐野奨: 砕石微粒分の有効利用を目的としたロータリーキルンによる連続溶融処理技術の開発、平成27年度廃棄物資源循環学会春の研究発表会 (2015)
- 和嶋隆昌: 活性アルミナを用いた脱塩プロセスの開発、日本海水学会第66回年会 (2015)
- 川端康正、和嶋隆昌、中込秀樹、細貝聡、佐藤浩昭、鈴木善三、松岡浩一: 循環流動層ガス化における低品位石炭タールの低減と組成変化におよぼす操作条件の影響、第20回 動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム (2015)
- 和嶋隆昌: アルカリ反応を用いた砕石微粒分を原料とした機能性材料の合成、資源素材学会秋季大会 (2015)
- 金塚恭平、和嶋隆昌: アルカリ溶融を施した高炉スラグからのハイドロカルマイトの合成、第31回日本イオン交換研究発表会 (2015)
- 大西真司、和嶋隆昌:砕石微粒分のゼオライト転換を目指したロータリーキルンによる砕石微粒分のアルカリ溶融処理、第31回日本イオン交換研究発表会 (2015)
- 川端康正、和嶋隆昌、森田直之、齋藤明子、中込秀樹、細貝聡、倉本浩司、鈴木善三、佐藤浩昭、松岡浩一: 揮発分-チャー相互作用強化条件における低品位炭タール低減過程の解析、第52回石炭科学会議 (2015)
- 和嶋隆昌: 硫黄処理を用いた廃棄物からの炭素系重金属吸着材の製造と金属回収への利用、第2回粉体工学関東談話会 (2015)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Preparation of zeolitic material with simultaneous removal of NH4+ and PO43- from paper sludge ash via acid leaching, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 16, 367-372 (2014)
- T. Wajima: Removal of bromide from desalinated water using hydrotalcite, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 5(2), 202-206 (2014)
- Z. Z. Hlaing, T. Wajima, S. Uchiyama, H. Nakagome: Reduction of bromine compound in oil produced from brominated flame retardant plastics via pyrolysis using a reflux condenser, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 5(2), 207-211 (2014)
- T. Wajima: Desalination behavior of calcined hydrotalcite from seawater for preparing agricultural cultivation solution using natural zeolite, Energy and Environment Research, 4(2), 3-10 (2014)
- T. Wajima: Conversion process of molten fly ash into functional materials using waste plastics, International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources, 20(1), 40-44 (2014)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, T. Yamato, Y. Ikegami: Effect of HNO3 and H3PO4 on ion exchange of natural zeolite for making agricultural cultivation solution from seawater, International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources, 20(1), 109-112 (2014)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of zeolitic material with the ability to simltaneous remove NH4+ and PO43- from paper sludge using calcination and alkali treatment, Journal of Ion Exchange, 25(4), 176-183 (2014)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of adsorbent with lead removal ability using sulfur-impregnation, Advanced Materials Research, 831, 253-257 (2014)
- T. Wajima, Z.Z. Hlaing, H. Nakagome: Oil production from polyethylene plastics by thermal pyrolysis using a reflux condenser, Advanced Materials Research, 1025-1026, 842-845 (2014)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of zeolite from blast furnace slag using alkali fusion with addition of EDTA, Advanced Materials Research, 1044-1045, 124-127 (2014)
- T. Wajima, S. Katano, S. Nakamura, Z. Z. Hlaing, M. Adachi, H. Nakagome: Recovery of tantalum parts from used capacitor using steam gasification with mixted molten carbonate, Proceedings of XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2014), p.5757-5767 (2014)
- S. Katano, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Recovery of tantalum sintered compact from used tantalum condenser using steam gasification, APCBEE Procedia, 10, 182-186 (2014)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of adsorbent with lead removal ability from paper sludge using sulfur-impregnation, APCBEE Procedia, 10, 164-169 (2014)
- Z. Z. Hlaing, T. Wajima, S. Uchiyama, H. Nakagome: Reduction of bromine compounds in the pyrolysis oil of computer casing plastics using shell, Ca(OH)2 and NaOH, APCBEE Procedia, 10, 193-197 (2014)
- 和嶋隆昌: 鉱山砕石微粒分を原料とした機能性材料の製造方法,ケミカルエンジニアリング,59(1),p. 24-28 (2014)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of adsorbent wiht lead removal ability from paper sludge using sulfur-impregnation, International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (ICESD2014) (2014)
- Z. Z. Hlaing, T. Wajima, S. Uchiyama, H. Nakagome: Reduction of bromine compounds in the pyrolysis oil of computer casing plastics using shell, Ca(OH)2 and NaOH, International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (ICESD2014) (2014)
- K. Matsuoka, S. Hosokai, K. Kuramoto, Y. Suzuki, Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Low temperature gasification of low-rank coal using a circulating fluidized bed gasifier, 6th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, (2014)
- Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome, S. Hosokai, K. Kuramoto, H. Sato, Y. Suzuki, K. Matsuoka: Characteristics of tar emitted during coal pyrolysis under condition for promoting char-volatiles interaction in CFB reactor, 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Application, (2014)
- T. Wajima, S. Katano, S. Nakamura, Z. Z. Hlaing, M. Adachi, H. Nakagome: Recovery of tantalum parts from used capacitor using steam gasification with mixted molten carbonate, XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2014) (2014)
- Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome, S. Hosokai, H. Sato, K. Kuramoto, Y. Suzuki, K. Matsuoka: Utilizing char-volatiles interaction to improve tar cracking in circulating fluidized bed gasification reactor, The 4th Asian Conference on Innovative Energy and Environmental Chemical Engineering (ASCON-IEEChE) (2014)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of Zeolitic Material with the ability to simltaneously remove NH4+ and PO43- from paper sludge using calcination and alkali treatment, 6ht International Conference of Ion Exchange (ICIE2014) (2014)
- Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome, S. Hosokai, Y. Suzuki, K. Matsuoka: Reduction and Reforming of Tar with Enhanced Volatile-char Interaction during Coal Pyrolysis, 2014 3th International Conference on Chemical Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2014) (2014)
- H.Yasuda,Y.Suzuki,S.Sakai,T.Wajima,H.Nakagome: Adaptability of wood biomass to fixed bed gasifier controlling bed height、1st Asian Conference on Biomass Science (2014)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of hydrotalcite from bittern, and its removal abilities of phosphate and nitrate, 2014 3rd International Conference on Chemical Science and Engineering(ICCSE2014) (2014)
- N. Morita, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Reduction in content of bromine compounds in the product oil of pyrolysis using synthetic hydrotalcite, 2014 3rd International Conference on Chemical Science and Engineering(ICCSE2014)(2014)
- Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome, S. Hosoaki, Y. Suzuki, K. Matsuoka: Reduction and reforming of tar with enhanced volatile-char interaction during coal pyrolysis, 2014 3rd International Conference on Chemical Science and Engineering(ICCSE2014) (2014)
- V. H. Hoang, S. Nagasaki,Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome: Drying mechanism of unutilized cedar logs as a source of heating fuel, 2014 3rd International Conference on Chemical Science and Engineering(ICCSE2014) (2014)
- 和嶋隆昌: 高炉スラグからの高機能リン回収材の合成、日本鉄鋼協会第167回春季講演大会 (2014)
- 川端康正、和嶋隆昌、中込秀樹、細貝聡、鈴木善三、松岡浩一: 石炭チャーと揮発分の相互作用を利用したタールの改質、第19回 動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム (2014)
- 川端康正、和嶋隆昌、中込秀樹、細貝聡、鈴木善三、松岡浩一: 石炭ガス化過程におけるチャー・揮発分相互作用に及ぼす操作条件の影響、第46回化学工学会秋季大会 (2014)
- 和嶋隆昌、今井敏夫、佐野奨、神谷隆、高野博幸: 砕石微粒分からの機能性材料製造におけるアルカリ溶融処理プロセス、資源・素材学会秋季大会 (2014)
- 和嶋隆昌: 農業利用を指向した簡易脱塩処理プロセスの開発、第1回海水・生活・科学連携シンポジウム (2014)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砕石ケーキを原料とした環境浄化材の作成プロセスの開発、砕石フォーラム2014第41回全国砕石技術大会 (2014)
- 川端康正、和嶋隆昌、中込秀樹、細貝聡、佐藤浩昭、倉本浩司、鈴木善三、松岡浩一: 石炭チャー ― 揮発分相互作用によるタールの低減と組成変化、第51回石炭科学会議 (2014)
- 和嶋隆昌、今井敏夫、佐野奨、神谷隆、高野博幸: アルカリ溶融反応を利用したパーライト砕石微粒分からのフォージャサイト型ゼオライトの合成、第30回ゼオライト研究発表会 (2014)
- 酒井翔平、和嶋隆昌、中込秀樹、鈴木善三、安田肇: 木質バイオマスの固定床ガス化における加圧の影響、第9回バイオマス科学会議 (2014)
- 酒井翔平、和嶋隆昌、中込秀樹、鈴木善三、安田肇: バイオマスの固定床ガス化における固形燃料の適合性、第15回プラスチックリサイクル科学研究会(FSRJ) (2014)
- T. Wajima: Ion exchange properties of Japanese natural zeolites in seawater, Analytical Sciences, 29, 139-141 (2013)
- T. Wajima, John F. Rakovan: Removal of fluoride ions using calcined paper sludge, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 113, 1027-1035 (2013)
- T. Wajima, John F. Rakovan: Removal behavior of phosphate from aqueous solution by calcined paper sludge, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 435, 132-138 (2013)
- T. Wajima: Conversion of waste paper sludge into heavy metal adsorbent using sulfur impregnation, Advanced Materials Research, 699, 759-764 (2013)
- T. Wajima: Removing lead ions from aqueous solutions with sulfur-impregnated adsorbents, Advanced Materials Research, 684, 198-202 (2013)
- T. Wajima: Preparation of Carbonaceous Heavy Metal Adsorbent from Paper Sludge using Sulfur Impregnation, Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management(ICSW2013), p. 630-638 (2013)
- T. Wajima: Development of new recycling process for molten fly ash using wate plastics, Proceedings of International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources, p. 303-308, (2013)
- T. Wajima:Conversion of waste paper sludge into heavy metal adsorbent using sulfur impregnation, 2013 International Conference on Materials Science and Chemical Engineering (2013)
- T. Wajima:Desalination property of calcined hydrotalcite from seawater, and its application for making agricultural caltivation solution using natural zeolite treatment, The 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental technologies (APSCEET2013) (2013)
- T. Wajima:Preparation of heavy metal adsorbent from waste biomass using sulfur impregnation, 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (2013)
- T. Wajima:Removal of bromide from desalinated water using hydrotalcite, 2013 4th Journal Conference on Environmental Science and Development (JCESD2013) (2013)
- Z.Z. Hlaing, T. Wajima, S. Uchiyama, H. Nakagome:Reduction of bromine compounds in oil produced from brominated flame retardant plastics via pyrolysis using a reflex condenser, 2013 4th Journal Conference on Environmental Science and Development (JCESD2013), (2013)
- T. Wajima:Preparation of heavy metal adsorbent from heavy oil ash using sulfur-impregnation, and its removal ability for lead from aqueous solution, The 12th International Symposium on East Asian Resource Recycling Technology (EARTH2013) (2013)
- T. Wajima:Development of new recycling process for molten fly ash using wate plastics, International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources(ICMR2013) (2013)
- 石井荘平, 和嶋隆昌, 宗像健三: 硫黄を活用したバイオマス廃棄物を原料とするニッケル吸着材の作成と評価, 第15回化学工学会学生発表会 (2013)
- 和嶋隆昌: 硫黄と廃棄物を用いた重金属回収法の開発, 廃棄物資源循環学会, 東北支部秋田講演会 (2013)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砕石スラッジからの環境浄化材製造法に関する研究, 資源・素材学会春季大会 (2013)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砕石微粒分を原料とした機能性材料製造に関する研究、資源・素材学会秋季大会 (2013)
- 和嶋隆昌: 製紙スラッジと珪藻土を原料としたゼオライト含有材料の調製、第29会日本イオン交換学会研究発表会 (2013)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Material conversion from waste sandstone cake into cation exchanger using alkali fusion, Ceramics International, 38(2), 1741-1744 (2012)
- T. Wajima, K. Oya, A. Shibayama, K. Munakata: Preparation of adsorbent with high removal ability for phosphate ion from blast furnace slag using alkali fusion, International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources, 18(2), 59-63 (2012)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Synthesis of zeolitic material from paper sludge ash using diatomite, Materials Transactions, 53(4), 592-596 (2012)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata, T. Uda: Adsorption behavior of lithium from seawater using manganese oxide adsorbent, Plasma and Fusion Research, 7, 2405021 (2012)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Effect of alkali species on synthesis of K-F zeolitic materials from paper sludge ash for soil amendment, Chemical Engineering Journal, 207-208, 906-912 (2012)
- T. Wajima: A novel adsorbent synthesized from blast furnace slag with phosphate sorption capacity, Proceedings of XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2012), p.5757-5767 (2012)
- 佐野奨, 高野博幸, 檜垣徹, 和嶋隆昌: 吸着性物質の製造方法, 特願2012-203041 (2012)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of zeolitic material from green tuff stone cake, and its adsorption properties of silver(I) from aqueous solution, The 6th PAcific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology (PBAST-6) (2012)
- T. Wajima, John F. Rakovan: Removal behavior of phosphate from aqueous solution by calcined paper paper sludge, 7th International Conference on Interface Against Pollution (IAP2012) (2012)
- M. Bessho, T. Wajima, T. Ida, T. Nishiyama: Silica coating on weathered pyrite waste rocks to prevent acid mine drainage, 7th International Conference on Interface Against Pollution (IAP2012) (2012)
- T. Wajima: Synthesis of zeolite-A from aluminium dross using alkali fusion method, International Symposium on Zeolites and Micro Porous Crystal (ZMPC2012) (2012)
- T. Wajima, John F. Rakovan: Removal of fluoride ions using calcined paper sludge, 15th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC15) (2012)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Effect of alkali species on synthesis of K-F zeolitic materials from paper sludge ash for soil amendment, International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE22) (2012)
- T. Wajima: A novel adsorbent synthesized from blast furnace slag with phosphate sorption capacity, XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2012) (2012)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砕石業において発生する砕石ケーキを原料とした高機能材料の開発,平成23年度秋田わか杉科学技術奨励賞受賞記念講演 (2012)
- 和嶋隆昌: 鉄鋼スラグを用いた休廃止鉱山からの酸性鉱廃水抑制技術の開発,鉄鋼環境基金助成研究研究討論会 (2012)
- 和嶋隆昌: 焼却製紙スラッジのリンイオン除去能,資源・素材学会春季大会 (2012)
- 和嶋隆昌, 宗像健三: ハイドロキシソーダライトの塩化水素ガス除去能, 日本素材物性学会平成24年度年会 (2012)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砕石廃棄物を原料とした機能性材料の作成, 平成24年度資源素材学会秋季大会 (2012)
- 和嶋隆昌: 天然ゼオライトを用いた海水からの灌漑用水製造プロセスの開発, 第28回日本イオン交換学会研究発表会 (2012)
- 和嶋隆昌: 硫黄を活用した製紙スラッジからの重金属吸着材作成法の開発, 環境資源工学会第129回例会 (2012)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砕石ケーキの利用による材料開発, 平成24年度第6回砕石セミナー (2012)
- 和嶋隆昌: 自然水中のリチウム資源量評価とその回収技術の開発, 同位体の回収と分離に関する合同研究発表会 (2012)
- 和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,大和武彦,池上康之: AgNO3およびPb(NO3)2を用いた海水中の陰イオン処理に関する基礎的研究,素材物性学雑誌,23(2), p. 33-37 (2011)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砂岩砕石屑を原料とした機能性物質の生成とその利用, 骨材資源,168, p. 167-173, (2012)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Removal of Ca from paper sludge ash by acid leaching and synthesis of high cation exchange capacity zeolite material, International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources, 18(1), 7-10 (2011)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata, T. Takeishi, K. Hara, K. Wada, K. Katekari, K. Inoue, Y. Shinozaki, K. Mochizuki, M. Tanaka, T. Uda: Adsorption Characteristics of Water Vapor on Honeycomb Adsorbents, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417(1-3), 1166-1169 (2011)
- K. Munakata, K. Mochizuki, T. Wajima, K.. Wada, K. Hara, T. Shinozaki, T. Takeishi, R. Knitter, N. Bekris, T. Fujii, H. Yamana, K. Okuno: Tritium release from ceramic breeder materials deposited with noble metals, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417(1-3), 731-734 (2011)
- K. Munakata, T. Wajima, K. Hara, K. Wada, Y. Shinozaki, K. Katekari, K. Mochizuki, M. Tanaka, T. Uda: Oxidation of hydrogen isotopes over honeycomb catalyst, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417(1-3), 1170-1174 (2011)
- M. Bessho, T. Wajima, T. Ida, T. Nishiyama: Experimental Study on Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage by Silica Coating of Pyrite Waste Rocks with Amorphous Silica Solution, Environmental Earth Sciences, 64(2), 311-318 (2011)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Material conversion from paper sludge ash in NaOH solution to synthesize adsorbent for removal of Pb2+, NH4+ and PO43- in aqueous solution, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 23(5), 718-724 (2011)
- T. Wajima, K. Sugawara: Adsorption behavior of mercury from aqueous solution using sulfur-impregnated adsorbent developed from coal, Fuel Processing Technology, 92, 1322-1327 (2011)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata, T. Takeishi, K. Hara, K. Wada, K. Katekari, K. Inoue, Y. Shinozaki, K. Mochizuki, M. Tanaka, T. Uda: Adsorption characteristics of water vapor on zeolitic materials for honeycomb-type adsorbent, Plasma and Fusion Research, 6, special issue 1, 2405031 (2011)
- T. Wajima, K. Oya, A. Shibayama, K. Suagawara, K. Munakata: Synthesis of Hydrocalumite-like Adsorbent from Blast Furnace Slag using Alkali Fusion, ISIJ International, 51(7), 1179-1184 (2011)
- K. Hara, K. Munakta, T. Wajima, K. Wada, T. Takeishi, M. Tanaka, T. Uda: Oxidation of hydrogen over honeycomb catalysts under the presence of water vapor, Fusion Science and Technology, 60(4), 1339-1342 (2011)
- T. Uda, M. Tanaka, T. Wajima, K. Munakta: Characteristics of honeycomb oxidizing catalysts to recover tritiated hydrogen and methane, Fusion Science and Technology, 60(4), 1351-1354 (2011)
- K. Munakta, K. Hara, T. Wajima, K. Wada, K. Katekari, M. Tanaka, T. Uda: Detritiation system of air with honeycomb catalyst and adsorbent, Fusion Science and Technology, 60(4), 1440-1443 (2011)
- 和嶋隆昌, 菅原勝康: 鉄鋼スラグを原料とするハイドロ複合体及びその製造方法, 13/145922(米国), EPC10733565.5(EU), 6048/DELNP/2011(インド) (2011)
- T. Wajima K. Munakata: Preparation of phosphate adsorbent from paper sludge, The 11th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology, EARTH 2011 (2011)
- R. Taguchi, T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Preparation of heavy metal adsorbent from paper sludge using sulfur treatment, The 11th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology, EARTH 2011 (2011)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata, T. Uda: Adsorption behavior of lithium from seawater using manganese oxide adsorbent,21th International Toki Conference (2011)
- T. Wajima, Jphn F. Rakovan: Removal of aqueous fluoride ions by calcined paper sludge, International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-6) (2011)
- 和嶋隆昌: アルカリ溶融による高炉スラグからの水質浄化材の調製とその評価,水環境に関する若手セミナー (2011)
- 和嶋隆昌: 自然水からのリチウム回収を目的とした吸着剤の開発,秋田大学工学資源学部産学官連携推進協議会・秋田大学VBL・あきたアーバンマイン開発アカデミー・合同フォーラム (2011)
- 松島 里美,和嶋 隆昌,宗像 健三: 高炉スラグを用いた二酸化炭素固定化技術の開発,第13回化学工学会学生発表会 (2011)
- 田口利規, 和嶋隆昌, 宗像健三: 硫黄処理による製紙スラッジからの重金属吸着剤の作成, 日本素材物性学会平成23年度年会 (2011)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砕石屑からの水質浄化材の開発,平成23年度資源・素材学会秋季大会 (2011)
- 平井尚,和嶋隆昌,吉塚和治: 熔融石炭灰と海水を用いたゼオライト系吸着剤の調製と陽イオン交換特性,日本イオン交換学会誌,21(4), p.382-387 (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Murakami, T. Kato, K. Sugawara: Preparation of carbonaceous heavy metal adsorbent from coal using sulfur impregnation, Energy Sources A, 32, 442-449 (2010)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, T. Yamato, Y. Ikegami: Removal of NaCl from seawater
using natural zeolite, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 91(1),
21-26 (2010)
- T. Wajima: Removal of boron from geothermal water using hydrotalcite, Toxicological
& Environmental Chemistry, 92(5), 879-884 (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Sugawara: Material conversion from various incinerated ashes using alkali fusion method, International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources, 17(1), p.47-52 (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Conversion of Waste Sandstone Cake into Crystalline Zeolite X Using Alkali Fusion, Materials Transactions, 51(5), 849-854 (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata, T. Takeishi, K. Hara, K. Wada, K. Katekari, K. Inoue, Y. Shinozaki, K. Mochizuki, M. Tanaka, T. Uda: Adsorption Characteristics of Water Vapor on Honeycomb Adsorbents, Fusion Engineering and Design, 85(7-9), 1064-1067 (2010)
- K. Mochizuki, K. Munakata, T. Wajima, K. Hara, K. Wada, T. Shiomori, T. Takeishi, R. Knitter, N. Bekris, K. Okuno: Study of isotope exchange reaction on ceramic breeder materials deposited with noble metal, Fusion Engineering and Design, 85(7-9), 1185-1189 (2010)
- K. Munakata, T. Wajima, K. Hara, K. Wada, T. Takeishi, Y. Shinozaki, K. Mochizuki, K. Katekari, K. Kobayashi, Y. Iwai, T. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi: Tritium release experiments with CATS and numerical simulation, Fusion Engineering and Design, 85(7-9), 1250-1254 (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Synthesis of 11A tobermorite from blast furnace slag using EDTA, Journal of Ion Exchange, 21(3), 171-174 (2010)
- K. Oya, T. Wajima, A. Shibayama: Synthesis of a hydrocalumite-type compound from steel converter slag using alkali fusion, Journal of Ion Exchange, 21(3), 185-188 (2010)
- T. Wajima: The acid leaching process for the synthesis of zeolitic material from paper sludge ash, Proceedings of the XXV International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2010), p. 3983-3989 (2010)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of zeolite-X from waste porcelain using alkali fusion, Ceramic Transactions, 215, 305-314 (2010)
- 和嶋隆昌: 砂岩採石屑を原料とした機能性物質の製造方法,ケミカルエンジニアリング,55(7),p. 13-16 (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Preparation of Ca-P zeolite from paper sludge ash via acid leaching for simultaneous removal of NH4+ and PO43-, 3rd International Conference on Engineering for waste and biomass valorisation, WasteEng10 (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Material conversion from paper sludge ash in NaOH solution to synthesize adsorbent for removal of Pb2+, NH4+ and PO43- in aqueous solution, The 6th International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution, IAP2010 (2010)
- K. Oya, T. Wajima, A. Shibayama: Preparation of hydrocalumite-like adsorbent from blast furnace slag using alkali fusion for phosphorous removal from aqueous solution, The 6th International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution, IAP2010 (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Sugawara: Adsorption kinetics of mercury from aqueous solution by sulfur-impregnated adsorbent developed from coal, 10th International conference on Fundamentals of Adsroption, FOA10 (2010)
- K. Hara, K. Munakata, T. Wajima, K. Wada, K. Katekari, K. Mochizuki, T. Takeishi, M. Tanaka, T. Uda: Application of honeycomb catalyst to tritium removal system, 3rd China-Japan Workshop on the Tritium and Breeding Blanket Technology, Kunming, China (2010)
- K. Wada, K. Munakata, Y. Sato, T. Wajima, K. Hara, M. Nakamichi, T. Nishitani: Oxidation resistance of titanium Beryllide fablicated by plasma-sintering system, 3rd China-Japan Workshop on the Tritium and Breeding Blanket Technology, Kunming, China (2010)
- K. Munakata, K. Hara, T. Wajima, K. Wada, K. Katekari, K. Mochizuki, T. Takeishi, M. Tanaka, T. Uda: Detritiation system based honeycomb catalyst and adsorbent, 3rd China-Japan Workshop on the Tritium and Breeding Blanket Technology, Kunming, China (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Synthesis of 11 A tobermorite from blast furnace slag using EDTA, 5th International Conference on Ion Exchange (2010)
- K. Oya, T. Wajima, A. Shibayama: Synthesis of a Hydrocalumite-type Compound from steel converter slag using alkali fusion, 5th Internaltional Conference on Ion Exchange (2010)
- T. Wajima: The acid leaching process for the synthesis of zeolitic material from paper sludge ash, the XXV International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2010) (2010)
- K. Munakata, K. Hara,T. Wajima, K. Wada, K. Katekari, K. Machizuki, T. Takeishi, M. Tanaka, T. Uda: Development of detriation system of air with honeycomb catalyst and adsorbent, 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology (TRITIUM 2010) (2010)
- K. Wada, M. Munakata, Y. Sato, T. Wajima, K. Hara, N. Nakamichi, T. Nishitani: Oxidation of Tritium Beryllid fablicated by plasma-sintering process, 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology (TRITIUM 2010) (2010)
- K. Hara, K. Munakata, T. Wajima, K. Wada, K. Katekari, K. Mochizuki, T. Takeishi, M. Tanaka, T. Uda: Oxidation of Hydrogen over honeycomb catalyst under the pressure of water vapor, 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology (TRITIUM 2010) (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata, T. Takeishi, K. Hara, K. Wada, K. Katekari K. Inoue, Y. Shinozaki, M. Mochizuki, T. Tanaka, T. Uda: Adsorption of Water Vapor on Honeycomb-type zeolitic adsorbent, 20th International Toki Conference (2010)
- T. Wajima, K. Munakata: Phosphate uptake by the adsorbent prepared by calcining paper sludge, The 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies "PACHIFICHEM 2010" (2010)
- 和田孝平, 宗像健三,佐藤芳幸,和嶋隆昌,原啓介,中道勝,西谷健夫: ベリリウム金属間化合物の高温下での酸化耐性,第8回核融合エネルギー連合講演会 (2010)
- 和嶋隆昌,宗像健三: にがりからのハイドロタルサイトの合成とその窒素・リン除去能,日本素材物性学会平成22年度年会 (2010)
- 田口利規,和嶋隆昌,宗像健三: 廃プラスチックを用いた溶融飛灰処理とその機能性物質転換,日本素材物性学会平成22年度年会 (2010)
- 和嶋隆昌,宗像健三,菅原勝康: 石炭灰とカルシウムを原料とした新規吸着剤の調製,第47回石炭科学会議 (2010)
- 和嶋隆昌, 池上康之: アルカリ溶融法を用いた砂岩砕石屑からのX型ゼオライトの合成,日本金属学会誌,73(2), p. 124-130 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌, 池上康之: ハイドロタルサイトを用いた地熱水中からの砒素・シリカの同時除去,応用地質,50(1), p. 29-34 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌, 池上康之: 製紙スラッジ焼却飛灰の酸性重金属溶液浄化能に関する基礎的検討,廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌,20(1), p. 68-73 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,大和武彦,池上康之: 海水からの灌漑用水製造を目指した天然ゼオライトによる簡易脱塩処理に関する基礎的研究,素材物性学雑誌,22,p.18-22 (2009)
- K. Murakami, T. Wajima, T. Kato, K. Sugawara, T. Sugawara: Thermodynamic
and kinetic studies on Cs+- and Sr2+-exchange in natural zeolite from Akita,
Japan, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 91, p.1023-1034, (2009)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of crystalline zeolite-13X from waste porcelain using alkali fusion, Ceramics International, 35, 7, p. 2983-2986 (2009)
- T. Wajima, K. Murakami, T. Kato, K. Sugawara: Preparation of carbonaceous sulfur-impregnated adsorbent using K2S, and its ability to remove heavy metals from aqueous solution, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21(12), p. 1730-1734 (2009)
- T. Wajima: Modification of Japanese natural diatomite to supply silica into alkali solution using thermal treatment and acid leaching, Clay Science, 14, p. 55-60 (2009)
- T. Wajima, Y. Umeta, S. Narita, K. Sugawara: Adsorption behavior of fluoride ions using a titanium hydroxide-derived adsorbent, Desalination, 249, 323-330 (2009)
- K. Munakata, T. Takeishi, S. Kajii, T. Wajima, Y. Kawamura: Adsorption of Hydrogen Isotopes on Various Adsorbents at Cryogenic Temperature, Fusion Science and Technology, 56, 1, p.153-157 (2009)
- T. Wajima, O. Kiguchi, K. Sugawara, T. Sugawara: Synthesis of zeolite-A using silica from rice husk ash", Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 42, Supplement 1, pp. s61-s66 (2009)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami, K. Sugawara: Treatment of Geothermal Water from Geothermal plant using Hydrotalcite for Removal of Harmful Anions, Proceedings of the 19th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE2009), p. 263-268 (2009)
- T. Wajima, K. Sugawara: Material conversion from various incinerated ashes using alkali fusion method, Proceedings of International Conferernce of Materials for Resources, 282 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌,池上康之: 天然ゼオライトを用いた海水からの農業用栽培用水の製造,吸着技術の産業応用ハンドブック,リアライズAT株式会社,p.65-69 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: 鉄鋼スラグを原料とする機能性物質の製造方法,特願2009-013406 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌,宗像健三: 無機イオン交換体の製造方法,特開2011-011955 (2009)
- T. Wajima Y. Ikegami, K. Sugawara: Treatment of geothermal water from geothermal plant using hydrotalcite for removal of harmful anions, the 19th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, "ISOPE2009" (2009)
- T. Wajima, K. Sugawara: Synthesis of Hydrocalumite from Coal fly ash with Addition of CaO, International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals 2009 "ZMPC2009" (2009)
- T. Wajima, K. Sugawara: Synthesis of zeolitic material from paper sludge ash using diatomite, 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering "WCCE2009" (2009)
- T. Wajima, K. Katekari, K. Munakata, T. Takeishi, K. Hara, K. Wada, K. Inoue, Y. Shinozaki, K. Mochizuki, M. Tanaka, T. Uta: Adsorption Characteristics of Water Vapor on Honeycomb Adsorbent, 14th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials "ICFRM-14" (2009)
- K. Mochizuki, K. Munakata, K. Wada, T. Wajima, K. Hara, T. Shinozaki, T. Takeishi, R. Knitter, N. Bekris, T. Fujii, H. Yamana, K. Okuno: Tritium release from ceramic breeder materials deposited with noble metals, 14th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials "ICFRM-14" (2009)
- K. Munakata, T. Wajima, K. Hara, K. Wada, Y. Shinozaki, K. Katekari, K. Mochizuki, M. Tanaka, T. Uta: Oxidation of Hydrogen Isotopes over Honeycomb Catalysts, 14th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials "ICFRM-14" (2009)
- T. Wajima, K. Katekari, K. Munakata, T. Takeishi, K. Hara, K. Wada, K. Inoue, Y. Shinozaki, K. Mochizuki, M. Tanaka, T. Uta: Adsorption Characteristics of Water Vapor on Honeycomb Adsorbent, 9th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology "ISFNT-9" (2009)
- K. Mochizuki, K. Munakata, K. Hara, T. Wajima, K. Wada, T. Shinozaki, T. Takeishi, R. Knitter, N. Bekris, T. Fujii, H., Yamana, K. Okuno: Study of Isotope Exchange Reactions on Ceramic Breeder Materials Deposited with Nobel Metal,9th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology "ISFNT-9" (2009)
- K. Munakata, T. Wajima, K. Hara, K. Wada, T. Takeishi, Y. Shinozaki, K. Mochizuki, K. Katekari, K. Kobayashi, Y. Iwai, T. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi: Tritium Release Experiments with CATS and Numerical Simulation, 9th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology "ISFNT-9" (2009)
- T. Wajima, K. Sugawara: Material Conversion from various incinerated ashes using alkali fusion method, The 6th International Conference on Material Engineering for Resources "ICMR2009" (2009)
- T. Wajima: Removal of Ca from paper sludge ash via acid leaching to synthesize zeolitic material, The 10th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology, EARTH 2009, p. 484-487 (2009)
- 大矢和子,和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: 高炉スラグの陰イオン交換体転換技術の開発,第11回化学工学会学生発表会 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌: アルカリ処理を施した製紙スラッジ焼却灰の特性とその応用,化学工学会第74年会 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: 珪藻土添加による製紙スラッジ焼却灰からの機能性物質の創製,資源素材学会春季大会 (2009)
- 大矢和子,和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: アルカリ溶融を用いた高炉スラグの陰イオン交換体への転換,日本鉄鋼協会第157回春季講演大会 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: アルカリ溶融法による高炉スラグからのハイドロガーネットの合成,日本鉄鋼協会第157回春季講演大会 (2009)
- 大矢和子,和嶋隆昌,柴山敦: アルカリ溶融法を用いた転炉スラグの陰イオン交換体への転換,資源・素材学会東北支部平成21年度春季大会 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,大和武彦,池上康之: 天然ゼオライトを用いた簡易脱塩処理に関する基礎的検討,日本素材物性学会平成21年度年会 (2009)
- 大矢和子,和嶋隆昌,柴山敦: 高炉スラグからの陰イオン交換体の合成とそのリン除去能,資源・素材学会秋季大会 (2009)
- 宗像健三,和嶋隆昌,原啓介,篠崎洋平,嘉手刈健一,田中将裕,宇田達彦: ハニカム触媒による水素同位体の酸化,「日本原子力学会2009年秋の大会」 (2009)
- 大矢和子,和嶋隆昌,柴山敦: 水砕スラグからのハイドロカルマイト様化合物の合成とリン酸イオン吸着能,第25回日本イオン交換研究発表会 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌,宗像健三: EDTA添加による製紙スラッジ焼却灰の高機能ゼオライトへの転換,第25回日本イオン交換研究発表会 (2009)
- 大矢和子,和嶋隆昌,柴山敦: アルカリ溶融法を用いた転炉スラグの陰イオン交換体への転換,第2回資源・素材学会東北支部若手の会 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌,宗像健三,菅原勝康: 酸処理を施した製紙スラッジ焼却灰の機能性物質転換,第46回石炭科学会議 (2009)
- 和嶋隆昌: アルカリ反応を用いた無機廃棄物の機能性物質転換に関する研究,第9回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 (2009)
- 平井尚,和嶋隆昌,吉塚和治: 溶融石炭灰からのゼオライト系物質の調製とイオン交換能,日本イオン交換学会誌,19(2), p. 107-109 (2008)
- 和嶋隆昌, 池上康之: 製紙スラッジ焼却灰を用いた鉱山ズリの安定化,日本金属学会誌,72(11),p. 903-910 (2008)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Zeolite synthesis from paper sludge ash via acid-leaching, Chemical Engineering Communications, 195, 3, p. 305-315 (2008)
- T. Wajima, K. Yoshizuka, T. Hirai, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of Zeolite X from Waste Sandstone Cake Using Alkali Fusion Method, Materials Transactions, 49, 3, p. 612-618 (2008)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, Y. Ikegami: Zeolite Synthesis from Paper Sludge Ash with Addition of Diatomite, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 83, p. 921-927 (2008)
- T. Kato, Y. Ami, T. Wajima, K. Murakami, K. Sugawara: Inhibition of the release of alkali metals from coal during heat treatment with the addition of clay mineral, Clay Science, 14, p. 1-5, (2008)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, T. Yamato, Y. Ikegami: Simple two-step process for making agricultural cultivation solution from seawater using calcined hydrotalcite and natural zeolite, Clay Science, 14, p. 7-12 (2008)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, T. Yamato, Y. Ikegami: Development of the Process for Making Agricultural Cultivation Water from Seawater using Natural Zeolite, Proceedings of the 18th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE2008), p. 488-491 (2008)
- T. Wajima: The process of acid leaching to synthesize zeolitic material from paper sludge ash, Proceedings of the XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC2008), p. 3645-3652 (2008)
- T. Wajima, K. Sugawara: Preparation of carbonaceous sulfur-impregnated adsorbent for removal of heavy metal in aqueous solution, The 5th International Conference Interface Against Pollution, IAP 2008 (2008)
- T. Wajima, Y. Umeta, K. Sugawara: Adsorption behavior of fluoride ion by titanium hydroxide-derived adsorbent, The 5th International Conference Interface Against Pollution, IAP 2008 (2008)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, T. Yamato, Y. Ikegami: Development of the Process for Making Agricultural Cultivation Water from Seawater using Natural Zeolite, the 18th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (2008)
- T. Wajima, O. Kiguchi, K. Sugawara, T. Sugawara: Synthesis of zeolite-A using silica from rice husk ash, The 20th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, ISCRE20 (2008)
- T. Wajima: The process of acid leaching to synthesize zeolitic material from paper sludge ash", XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress"IMPC2008" (2008)
- 和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: ヤシガラ活性炭の作成と硫黄添加によるPb2+吸着能の向上,化学工学第73年会 (2008)
- 和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: 硫黄添加処理を施した石炭の水溶液中における水銀吸着特性,第45回石炭科学会議 (2008)
- 和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: 硫黄添加炭の水溶液中における重金属吸着特性,第43回秋田化学技術協会研究発表会 (2008)
- 一瀬純弥, 中岡勉, 西田哲也, 植田貴宏, 中島大輔, 秦一浩, 水谷壮太郎, 島崎渉, 和嶋隆昌, 浦田和也, 池上康之: 対馬海域における海洋温度差発電設計のための海洋調査, 海洋深層水研究,8, p. 7-21 (2007)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of zeolitic materials from waste porcelain at low temperature via a two step alkali conversion, Ceramics International, 33, p. 1269-1274 (2007)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of zeolites from paper sludge ash and their ability to simultaneously remove NH4+ and PO43-, Journal of Environmental Science and health-A, 42(3), p. 345-350 (2007)
- T. Wajima, H. Ishimoto, K. Kuzawa, K. Ito, O. Tamada, Mickey E. Gunter, John F. Racovan: Material conversion from paper sludge ash in NaOH, KOH, and LiOH solutions, American Mineralogist, 92, p. 1105-1111 (2007)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami, K. Yoshizuka, T. Hirai: Synthesis of zeolitic material from waste sandstone cake using alkali fusion, Journal of Ion Exchange, 18(4), p. 142-145 (2007)
- T. Hirai, K. Yoshizuka, T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of zeolitic material from coal fly ash in seawater, Journal of Ion Exchange, 18(4), p. 158-161 (2007)
- T. Shimizu, T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Ion exchange properties of natural zeolite in the preparation of an agricultural cultivation solution from seawater, Journal of Ion Exchange, 18(4), p. 390-393 (2007)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, Y. Ikegami: Stabilization of mine waste using paper sludge ash under laboratory condition, Materials Transactions, 48(12), p. 3070-3078 (2007)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Effect of a chelating agent on the synthesis of zeolitic materials from waste sandstone cake using alkali fusion, ARS SEPARATORIA ACTA, 5, p.76-87 (2007)
- K. Sugawara, T. Wajima, T. Kato, T. Sugawara: Preparation of carbonaceous heavy metal adsorbent from palm shell using sulfur impregnation, ARS SEPARATORIA ACTA, 5, p.88-98 (2007)
- 吉塚和治,和嶋隆昌: 海水からのリチウム回収技術の開発動向,配管技術,12, p.14-18 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌,池上康之: ハイドロタルサイト様化合物を用いた地熱水からのホウ素除去, OTEC, No. 13,p. 59-62 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,大和武彦,池上康之: 産地の異なる天然ゼオライトのNaCl溶液中におけるイオン交換に関する基礎的実験, OTEC, No. 13,p. 63-68 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌,池上康之: アルカリ溶融法を用いた様々な原材料からの機能性ゼオライト転換, OTEC, No. 13,p. 69-74 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,大和武彦,池上康之: AgNO3およびPb(NO3)2を用いた海水処理に関する基礎的実験, OTEC, No. 13,p. 75-79 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌, 池上康之: ゼオライトの製造方法,2007-131502, 特許第4988187号(H24.5.11) (2007)
- 池上康之, 志水倫恵, 和嶋隆昌: 淡水製造方法,2007-544034, 特許第4945765号(H24.3.16) (2007)
- Y. Ikegami, S. Mutair, T. Wajima, H. Asou: Experimental study on evaporation from superheated water jet for spray flash desalination,第44回日本伝熱シンポジウム,第44回伝熱シンポジウム(長崎),講演論文集Ⅱ,2007-5,pp.443-444 (2007)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami, K. Yoshizuka, T. Hirai: Synthesis of zeolitic material from waste sandstone cake using alkali fusion, The 4th International Conference on Ion Exchange (2007)
- T. Hirai, K. Yoshizuka, T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of zeolitic mterial from coal fly ash in seawater, The 4th International Conference on Ion Exchange (2007)
- T. Shimizu, T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Effect of temperature on ion exchange of natural zeolite to making agricultural cultivation solution from seawater, The 4th International Conference on Ion Exchange (2007)
- E. Sonohara, S. Nishihama, T. Wajima, K. Yoshizuka: Selective adsorption of strontium and cesium with zeolite A type ion exchanger, The 4th International Conference on Ion Exchange (2007)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of zeolitic material from paper sludge ash with addition of diatomite, The 9th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology, EARTH 2007 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌: 海水の水資源利用における技術開発,平成18年度21世紀COEプログラム成果発表会 (2007)
- 池上康之, 浦田和也, 和嶋隆昌, 岡本光, 志水倫恵, 中岡勉, 一瀬純弥, 植田貴宏, 田淵清春, 鎌野忠, 冨賀見清彦, 今井千文, Ed Anderson: フィジー海域における海洋調査, 2006年度佐賀大学海洋エネルギー研究センター年度末成果発表会 (2007)
- 志水倫恵,和嶋隆昌,大和武彦,池上康之: 産地の異なる天然ゼオライトのNaCl溶液でのイオン交換特性,第44回化学関連支部合同九州大会 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,池上康之: 天然ゼオライトのイオン交換能による海水からの農業用栽培溶液の作成,化学工学第39回秋季大会 (2007)
- 池上康之,浦田和也,和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,岡本光,中岡勉,一瀬純弥,田渕清春,鎌野忠,植田貴宏,冨賀見清彦: 沖ノ鳥島における海洋深層水利用のための海洋調査,第11回海洋深層水利用学会 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: 硫黄添加による石炭からの重金属吸着剤の作成,第44回石炭科学会議 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: アルカリ溶融法による焼却灰のゼオライトへの転換,第44回石炭科学会議 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌,菅原勝康: 硫黄添加による炭素系重金属吸着剤の調整,秋田化学技術協会第42回研究技術発表会 (2007)
- 和嶋隆昌, 別所昌彦, 西山孝: 硫化水素を用いた地熱水からの砒素除去に関する基礎的検討, 応用地質, 47, p. 152-155 (2006)
- 和嶋隆昌, 吉塚和治, 池上康之: 砂岩砕石屑の有効利用を目的としたゼオライト転換法の開発, 応用地質,47, p. 305-309 (2006)
- 和嶋隆昌, 吉塚和治, 志水倫恵,浦田和也,中岡勉,一瀬純弥,田淵清春,鎌野忠,池上康之: 海洋深層水からのリチウム回収を目的としたパラオおよびフィジー海域における海洋調査とその評価, 海洋深層水研究,7, p. 17-22 (2006)
- T. Wajima, M. Haga, K. Kuzawa, H. Ishimoto, O. Tamada, K. Ito, T. Nishiyama, Robert T. Downs, John F. Rakovan: Zeolite synthesis from paper sludge ash at low temperature (90℃) with addition of diatomite, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 132, p.244-252 (2006)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Zeolitic adsorbent synthesized from powdered waste porcelain, and its property for heavy metal removal, ARS SEPARATORIA ACTA, 4, p. 86-95 (2006)
- Y. Ikegami, T. Wajima, H. Sasaki: Experimental study on desalination of seawater in Imari Bay using an upward spray flash desalination plant, Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan, 60, p. 137-138 (2006)
- M. Hakamada,T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami, Y. Chen, H. Kusuda, M. Mabuchi: Fluid Conductivity of Porous Aluminum Fabricated by Powder-metallurgical Spacer Method, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45, p. L575-L577 (2006)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, Y. Ikegami: New simply process of making agricultural cultivation solution from seawater, Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan, 60, p. 201-202 (2006)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: New recycling process of waste porcelain using two step alkali conversion, Proceedings of the XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, p. 2315-2320 (2006)
- T. Wajima, H. Sasaki, Y. Ikegami: Experimental Study on Desalination of Seawater in Imari Bay Using an Upward Spray Flash Desalination Plant, Renewable Energy 2006, p. 1393-1396 (2006)
- T. Nakaoka, J. Ichinose, K. Tabuchi, T. K., K. Fukami, C. Imai, Z. Leon, K. Urata, T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, A. Bando, Y. Ikegami: Oceanic Observation and Investigation for Utilization of Ocean Energy in Fiji and Okinotorishima, Renewable Energy 2006, p. 1415-1418 (2006)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, Y. Ikegami: New Simply Process of Making Agricultural Cultivation Solution from seawater, Renewable Energy 2006, p. 1474-1477 (2006)
- T. Wajima, K. Yoshizuka, T. Shimizu, K. Urata, T. Nakaoka, J. Ichinose, K. Tabuchi, T. K., Y. Ikegami: Oceanic Research and Estimation for Lithium Recovery from Deep Seawaters of Palau and Fiji Islands, Renewable Energy 2006, p. 1489-1492 (2006)
- 和嶋隆昌, 志水倫恵, 池上康之: 海水の農業利用に関する基礎的実験, OTEC, No.12, p. 39-43 (2006)
- 和嶋隆昌, 志水倫恵, 池上康之: ハイドロタルサイト様化合物を用いた海水からの製造淡水中の臭化物イオン除去, OTEC, No.12, p. 45-49 (2006)
- 和嶋隆昌, 志水倫恵, 岡本光, 池上康之: 海水中におけるゼオライトのイオン交換に関する基礎的実験, OTEC, No.12, p. 51-56 (2006)
- 和嶋隆昌, 池上康之: アルカリ溶融法による廃磁器屑からの機能性物質ゼオライトの合成, OTEC, No.12, p. 57-63 (2006)
- T. Wajima, T. Hirai, T. Shimizu, K. Yoshizuka, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of zeolitic material from waste sandstone filler using alkali fusion method, 19th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (2006)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami, K. Yoshizuka: Synthesis of zeolitic material from crushed waste stone using alkali fusion method, International Symposium on zeolites and microporous crystals (2006)
- S. Mutair, T. Wajima, H. Asou, Y. Ikegami: Temperature desent of a super-heated water jet injected upwardly in a low pressurized chamber, 5th Joint Research Seminar on Ocean Energy (2006)
- H. Okamoto, T. Shimizu, T. Wajima, K. Urata, T. Nakaoka, J. Ichinose, T. Ueta, K. Fukami, Y. Ikegami: Oceanic Observation for Utilization of Ocean Energy in Okinawa, 5th Joint Research Seminar on Ocean Energy (2006)
- K. Urata, T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, T. Nakaoka, J. Ichinose, T. Ueda, K. Tabuchi, T. Kamano, K. Fukami, C. Imai, Z. Leon, Y. Ikegami: Oceanic Observation and Investigation in Fiji, 5th Joint Research Seminar on Ocean Energy (2006)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, Y. Ikegami: Formation of Zeolite Phases from Sandstone Filler using Alkali Fusion, 17th International Sedimentological Congress "ISC 2006" (2006)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: New recycling process of waste porcelain using two step alkali conversion, XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress "IMPC2006" (2006)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, Y. Ikegami: Removal of Br- from desalinated water using hydrotalcite-like compounds, Inter-COE International Symposium on Energy Systems (2006)
- T. Wajima, H. Sasaki, Y. Ikegami: Experimental Study on Desalination of Seawater in Imari Bay Using an Upward Spray Flash Desalination Plant, Renewable Energy 2006 (2006)
- T. Nakaoka, J. Ichinose, K. Tabuchi, T. Kamano., K. Fukami, C. Imai, Z. Leon, K. Urata, T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, A. Bando, Y. Ikegami: Oceanic Observation and Investigation for Utilization of Ocean Energy in Fiji and Okinotorishima, Renewable Energy 2006 (2006)
- T. Wajima, T. Shimizu, Y. Ikegami: New Simply Process of Making Agricultural Cultivation Solution from seawater, Renewable Energy 2006 (2006)
- T. Wajima, K. Yoshizuka, T. Shimizu, K. Urata, T. Nakaoka, J. Ichinose, K. Tabuchi, T. K., Y. Ikegami: Oceanic Research and Estimation for Lithium Recovery from Deep Seawaters of Palau and Fiji Islands, Renewable Energy 2006 (2006)
- T. Wajima, K. Yoshizuka, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of zeolites from diatomite with different origins, International Symposium on Ion Exchange in Korea and 22nd Annual Meeting of JAIE (2006)
- T. Shimizu, T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Ion Exchange of Natural Zeolite for making agricultural Cultivation Solution from Sea-water, International Symposium on Ion Exchange in Korea and 22nd Annual Meeting of JAIE (2006)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of zeolitic material from waste sandstone
filler using alkali fusion method -Addition of EDTA for zeolite synthesis-,
2006 Japan/Taiwan/Korea Chemical Engineering Conference -Fundamentals &
applications- (2006)
- T. Shimizu, T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Effect of temperature on seawater treatment
using calcined hydrotalcite for making agricultural cultivation solution,
2006 Japan/Taiwan/Korea Chemical Engineering Conference -Fundamentals &
applications- (2006)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Effect of agitation on the synthesis of zeolitic material from waste sandstone filler, The 19th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering (2006)
- T. Shimizu, T. Wajima, Y. IkegamiEffect of HNO3 and H3PO4 on the Process of making agricultural cultivation solution from seawater, The 19th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering (2006)
- 中岡 勉, 一瀬 純弥, 田淵 清春, 鎌野 忠, 中嶋 大輔, 植田 貴宏, Leon Z. , 池上 康之, 浦田 和也, 和嶋 隆昌, 志水 倫恵: 海洋温度差発電を用いた水産資源開発のための海洋調査, 海洋エネルギーシンポジウム "OE2006" (2006)
- 和嶋 隆昌, 佐々木 大, 池上 康之: 上方噴出型スプレーフラッシュ海水淡水化装置による伊万里湾の表層海水の淡水化実験, 海洋エネルギーシンポジウム "OE2006" (2006)
- 池上康之,浦田和也,和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,板東晃功,中岡勉,一瀬純弥,植田貴宏,田渕清春,鎌野忠,冨賀見清彦,今井千文,Z. Leon: 海洋調査報告,平成17年度佐賀大学海洋エネルギー研究センターの活動及び21世紀COEプログラム成果発表会 (2006)
- 志水倫恵,和嶋隆昌,池上康之: 焼成ハイドロタルサイトの陰イオン除去能を用いた海水からの農業用栽培溶液の作成,日本海水学会第57年会 (2006)
- 和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,池上康之: 陽イオン交換型ゼオライトの海水中での陽イオン交換能と海水からの農業用栽培溶液の作成への利用,日本海水学会第57年会 (2006)
- 袴田昌高,和嶋隆昌,池上康之,陳友晴,楠田啓,馬渕守: 焼結スペーサー法により作製したポーラスAlの流体透過特性,2006年 日本金属学会秋季大会 (2006)
- 和嶋隆昌: 環境とリサイクル,第14回バリアフリー研究会 (2006)
- 和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,岡本光,浦田和也,池上康之,吉塚和治,中岡勉,一瀬純弥,秦一浩,中島大輔: 対馬海域におけるリチウム濃度分布の年間変化と回収評価,第10回海洋深層水利用学会全国大会 (2006)
- 中岡勉,一瀬純弥,秦一浩,中島大輔,西田哲也,浦田和也,和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,岡本光,池上康之: 海洋エネルギーを利用した水産資源を開発するための海洋調査ー対馬海域の場合ー,第10回海洋深層水利用学会全国大会 (2006)
- 池上康之,浦田和也,和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,岡本光,中岡勉,一瀬純弥,植田貴宏,冨賀見清彦: 沖ノ鳥島における海洋深層水調査,第10回海洋深層水利用学会全国大会 (2006)
- 岡本光,志水倫恵,和嶋隆昌,浦田和也,池上康之,一瀬純弥,植田貴宏,冨賀見清彦,中岡勉,Z. Leon: フィジー海域における海洋深層水利用を目的とした栄養塩分布調査,第10回海洋深層水利用学会全国大会 (2006)
- 和嶋隆昌,志水倫恵,池上康之: 製紙スラッジ焼却灰によるズリ堆積場の土壌改善に関する基礎的検討,第16回環境地質学シンポジウム (2006)
- 佐々木大, 池上康之, 和嶋隆昌, 門出正則: 上向き噴流式フラッシュ蒸発海水淡水化に関する実験的研究(整理式の導出), 日本海水学会誌, 59,p.445-451 (2005)
- Y. Ikegami, K. Urata, A. Bando, T. Wajima, K. Ohto, T. Nakaoka, K. Tabuchi, T. K.: Oceanic Observation and Investigation for Utilization of Ocean Energy in the Fiji, Proceedings of the 15th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE2005), p. 557-562 (2005)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Zeolitic adsorbent synthesized from powdered waste porcelain, and its ammonium removal ability, Proceedings of the XXth International Symposium on Physico-ChemicalMethods of the Mixtures Separation "ARS SEPARATORIA 2005", p. 202-204 (2005)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Zeolitic adsorbent synthesized from powdered waste porcelain, and its ammonium removal ability, The XXth International Symposium on Physico-Chemical Methods of the Mixtures Separation "ARS SEPARATORIA 2005" (2005)
- Y. Ikegami, K. Urata, A. Bando, T. Wajima, K. Ohto, T. Nakaoka, K. Tabuchi, T. K.: Oceanic Observation and Investigation for Utilization of Ocean Energy in the Fiji, the 15th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (2005)
- T. Wajima, K. Kuzawa, H. Ishimoto, O. Tamada: The Synthesis of Zeolite-P from Paper Sludge Ash after Ash-Leaching, the 13th International Clay Conference (2005)
- T. Wajima, Y. Ikegami: Synthesis of zeolite-X from waste porcelain by alkali fusion, and its application of sea water for synthesis process, The 2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies "PACHIFICHEM 2005" (2005)
- 和嶋隆昌, 佐々木大, 那須大吾, 池上康之: 上方噴出型スプレーフラッシュ海水淡水化装置における噴流状態, 平成16年度佐賀大学海洋エネルギー研究センターの活動及び21世紀COEプログラム成果発表会 (2005)
- 和嶋隆昌, 志水倫恵, 浦田和也, 池上康之, 中岡勉, 喜多條鮎子, 吉塚和治: パラオ・フィジー海域における海水中のLi資源量と回収の可能性, 第9回海洋深層水利用研究会全国大会 (2005)
- 中岡勉, 西田哲也, 一瀬純弥, 田渕清春, 鎌野忠, 浦田和也, 和嶋隆昌, 志水倫恵, 池上康之: 海洋エネルギー利用による水産資源開発のための海洋調査―フィジー海域の海洋特性―, 第9回海洋深層水利用研究会全国大会 (2005)
- 池上康之, 浦田和也, 和嶋隆昌, 志水倫恵, 田渕清春, 鎌野忠, 一瀬純弥, 中岡勉: 沖ノ鳥島における海洋調査, 第9回海洋深層水利用研究会全国大会 (2005)
- 志水倫恵, 和嶋隆昌, 池上康之: 天然ゼオライトのイオン交換プロセスを用いた海水からの農業用栽培溶液の作成, 第21回日本イオン交換研究発表会 (2005)
- 和嶋隆昌, 志水倫恵, 池上康之: 製紙スラッジ焼却灰を用いた鉱山ズリからの酸性抗廃水発生防止, 第15回環境地質学シンポジウム (2005)
- 和嶋隆昌, 志水倫恵, 池上康之: ハイドロタルサイトを用いた地熱還元水からの砒素除去, 第15回環境地質学シンポジウム (2005)
- T. Wajima, K. Kuzawa, H. Ishimoto, O. Tamada, T. Nishiyama: The synthesis of zeolite-P, Linde Type A, and hydroxysodalite zeolites from paper-sludge ash at low temperature (80 ℃): Optimal ash-leaching condition for zeolite synthesis, American Mineralogist, 89, p.1694-1700 (2004)
- 別所昌彦, 和嶋隆昌, 中澤克仁, 西山孝: アルミニウム塩添加による地熱水中の過飽和シリカの凝集沈殿, 資源と素材, 116, p. 131-135 (2000)
- T. Wajima, S. Okuda, Y. Chen, M. Bessho, T. Nishiyama: Observation of pore spaces and microcracks using a fluorscent technique in some reservoir rocks of oil, gas and geothermal field in Green Tuff region, Japan, Resource Geology, 50, p. 191-200 (2000)
- 和嶋隆昌, 池上康之: アルカリ溶液を用いた廃磁器屑からの機能性物質ゼオライトの合成, OTEC, No.10, p. 47-53 (2004)
- 和嶋隆昌, 池上康之: 天然ゼオライトを用いたアンモニア除去に関する基礎的実験(海水中でのアンモニア吸着挙動とイオン交換による改質), OTEC, No.10, p. 53- 58 (2004)
- 石本弘治, 玉田攻, 和嶋隆昌: 製紙スラッジから多孔質物質を製造する方法, 2003-095765, 特許第4034537号(H19.11.2) (2003)
- T. Wajima, K. Kuzawa, H. Ishimoto, O. Tamada, T. Nishiyama: Zeolite synthesis from paper sludge ash at low temperature (80-90℃)-Effect of acid leaching-, The Japan/Korea International Symposium on Resources Recycling and Material Sciences (2003)
- T. Wajima, K. Kuzawa, N. Kawame, H. Ishimoto, O. Tamada: Zeolite synthesis from paper sludge ash at low temperature (80-90℃), 18th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (2002)
- N. Kawame, T. Wajima, H. Kanazawa, K. Kuzawa, O. Tamada: The crystal structure and cation distribution of natural mordenite and its Cu2+-exchange, 18th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (2002)
- 古田哲晴, 和嶋隆昌, 塩見洋志, 西本武司, 別所昌彦, 西山孝, 楠田啓: 加熱処理した珪藻土の溶解挙動と高純度シリカ精製への応用, 資源・素材学会春季大会 (2004)
- 井田拓郎, 別所昌彦, 和嶋隆昌, 楠田啓, 西山孝, 馬渕守: 酸性坑廃水の防止を目的としたシリカによる黄鉄鉱表面の被覆, 資源・素材学会秋季大会 (2004)
- 井田拓良, 別所昌彦, 和嶋隆昌, 楠田啓, 西山孝, 馬渕守: 非晶質シリカによる黄鉄鉱表面の被覆と酸性坑廃水の発生防止, 関西支部:平成16年度第1回常議員会および若手研究者のための研究発表会 (2004)
- 西本武司, 別所昌彦, 和嶋隆昌, 楠田啓, 西山孝, 馬渕守: 大分県庄内地区淡水性珪藻土に含まれる微量元素について, 関西支部:平成16年度第1回常議員会および若手研究者のための研究発表会 (2004)
- 和嶋隆昌, 久澤啓子, 芳賀美緒子, 石本弘治, 玉田攻, 西山孝: 低温環境における製紙スラッジ焼却灰からのゼオライトの合成, 資源・素材学会春季大会 (2003)
- 和嶋隆昌, 芳賀美緒子, 久澤啓子, 石本弘治, 玉田攻, 西山孝: 低温環境における製紙スラッジ焼却灰からのゼオライトの合成-珪素成分添加による改質-, 資源処理学会110回例会 (2003)
- 井田拓郎, 方堂毅, 和嶋隆昌, 別所昌彦, 楠田啓, 西山孝: シリカコーティングによる有害元素の溶出防止, 資源処理学会110回例会 (2003)
- 佐々木理, 安田眞弘, 石本弘治, 和嶋隆昌, 玉田攻: 製紙スラッジから生成する多孔質物質による硫化水素ガス吸着性能について(その2), 資源・素材学会秋季大会 (2003)
- 井田拓郎, 袴田昌高, 楠田啓, 和嶋隆昌, 別所昌彦, 方堂毅, 西山孝: 非晶質シリカによる廃石表面の被覆と有害元素の溶出防止, 資源・素材学会秋季大会 (2003)
- 和嶋隆昌, 金澤英樹, 河目直之, 玉田攻, 西山孝: 製紙スラッジ焼却灰から作成する多孔質物質について―その1.主に焼却灰に関して―, 資源・素材学会春季大会 (2002)
- 和嶋隆昌: Zeolite synthesis from paper sludge ash at low temperature (80℃), 第10回人間・環境学フォーラム (2002)
- 河目直之, 和嶋隆昌, 玉田攻: 河津産・湯河原産天然モルデナイトの結晶構造と陽イオン分布, 日本岩石・鉱物・鉱床学会 (2001)
- 和嶋隆昌: 分子軌道法によるシリカの反応機構の研究―HFについて―, 第9回人間・環境学フォーラム (2001)
- 田島政弘, 新宮裕, 別所昌彦, 梅原弘史, 和嶋隆昌, 西山孝: 非晶質シリカ溶液からのシリカ析出における不純物の挙動について, 資源・素材学会春季大会 (2000)
- 和嶋隆昌: 地熱発電における還元水の有効利用, 第8回人間・環境学フォーラム (2000)
- 和嶋隆昌, 奥田修司, 陳友晴, 西山孝: 石油・天然ガス及び地熱貯留岩間隙の形態について, 応用地質学会関西支部 (1999)